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             Heye Managing
                  Director,                                   HEYE SYMPOSIUM 2017
               Dirk Pörtner

             This year’s Heye        developments emerging.
             Symposium for           In addition, there is the
             international glass     important evolution
             container industry      of digitalization to
             customers will address a   address. Communication
             series of key challenges   structures change, as do
             based on the theme      factories, with Internet of
             ‘BSMART. MOTIVATE.      Things or AI (Artificial
             OPERATE.’ Representing   Intelligence) at the
             a valuable opportunity   centre of discussion.
             to learn from a panel of   Heye Symposium 2017
                                                               Delegates of the last
             international experts and   delegates will learn about   Heye Symposium
             exchange ideas, while also   the latest developments,
             networking with fellow   including the following
             glassmaking professionals   presentations:       customers’ operations,   the latest motivational
             from around the world,   ‘Digital transformation –   what motivates people in   and organizational
             this meeting is organised   Challenges and chances’   the digital age and how   concepts be combined
             by Heye International   (Ernst Raue, formerly    can the best employees be   with new technologies,
             GmbH and takes place    Head of CeBIT and a      identified and retained?   what is possible today and
             in Hamburg, Germany,    leading IoT Expert).     Key presentations in this   what can be expected in
             on 19-21 June 2017. The   ‘Digitalization in the   session include:       the future? Confirmed
             symposium will explore,   traditional steel industry’   ‘Growth rates and global   presentations include:
             for example, the digital   (Premal Denali, CFO   glass container industry   ‘Concepts for managing
             progress developed by   and CF Strategy,         trends’ (Euromonitor     operational excellence at
             other manufacturing     ThyssenKrupp Steel       Senior Analyst).         Ardagh’ (a speaker from
             industries, with the    Europe).                 ‘Friends of Glass – Latest   Ardagh Glass Europe).
             chance to discuss existing   ‘Investment decisions in   news on FEVE’s European   ‘Solutions for the Smart
             and future possibilities for   times of uncertainty’ (a   consumer campaigns’   Plant’ (Heye Product and
             implementation in glass   Senior Manager from the   (Michael Delle Selve, Head   Production Experts).
             container production with   Economic Department,   of Communication at    Discussion on the glass
             leading authorities on the   UniCredit).         FEVE).                   plant on the future (all
             subject.                MOTIVATE                 ‘The digital age –       participants).
             BSMART                  ‘Motivation’ represents   Challenges to corporate   NETWORKING
             ‘Being Smart’ is the ability   a second important   culture and employee   OPPORTUNITIES
             to adapt to a constantly   element of this year’s   training’ (Dr Cassandra   In addition to providing a
             changing world, with    Heye Symposium. What     Riedl, Leadership Expert).  professional programme
             sometimes unforeseen    trends are evident within   ‘How we innovate at   of presentations,
                                                              Ardagh’ (Sharon Todd,    sufficient time has
                                                              Head of Marketing at     been allocated to enjoy
                                                              Ardagh Glass Europe).    individual discussions
                                                              OPERATE                  for the establishment of
                                                              The evolution of perfect   new contacts and/or the
                                                              operational procedures   renewal of existing ones.
                                                              is essential for Heye    Heye International looks
                                                              International, developing   forward to welcoming
                                                              the skills to lead glass   invited guests to the
                                                              container plants to      LeMéridien Hamburg
                                                              the highest levels of    hotel on 19-21 June
                                                              productivity. So how can   2017.

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