Page 39 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 2/2017
P. 39

ike all SPAMI manufac-        high performance NOVIS          printing up to a few millimeter
                 toring lines, the SAM30 is    Inspection System               from the bottom of the ampoule.
            Lentirely manufactured in         t 4FMG $FOUFSJOH DIVDLT  UP HVBS-  The self-adjusting heat control
            the SPAMI plant in Italy, from     antee shorter format change     system collects information from
            the tube-loading machine to the    over time, and lower mainte-    thermocouples installed in the
            packaging module.                  nance thanks to their improved   oven and automatically manag-
               The high rate of automation,    lifetime                        es the electric heating elements,
            precision and process control gives   t "GUFS GPSNJOH  MJOF  DPNQMFUF   ensuring the ideal thermal curve.
            an incomparable efficiency to the   with cooling system, length and   SAM30 is the perfect solution
            production guaranteeing the high-  concavity inspection system     for first-in-class glass ampoules
            est product quality, the complete   t 5FBS PGG BOE HMB[JOH TUFBN VOJU  manufacturing, allowing a cus-
            operation control and the best effi-  t 4DPSF CSFBL VOJU            UPNJ[BCMF BQQSPBDI UP USFBUNFOUT
            ciency to the customer.           t 1BDLBHJOH  MJOF  XJUI  BO  BVUP-  and processes.
               In addition to all other cut-   matic turn table with five pack-
            ting-edge features, the SAM30      ing positions                   FEATURES AVAILABLE
            includes the automatic inspec-    t "TQJSBUJPO  NPEVMF  UP  SFNPWF   UPON REQUEST:
            tion system NOVIS, suitable        discards of glass particles     t (MBTT GPSNJOH NBDIJOF XJUI
            to measure all the glass con-     t $PMPS  SJOH  VOJU  EFEJDBUFE  UP   chucks
            tainer dimensions straight from    serigraphy up to three rings    t $BNFSB  JOTQFDUJPO  GPS  QSJOU
            the forming machine, supplying    t $VUUJOH  VOJU   01$  VOJU  BOE   and other desired cosmetic ver-
            the operator with an indica-       01$ DIFDL DBNFSB                  ification O
            tion of the line performance      t 1SJOU VOJU BOE ESZJOH DPMPS VOJU
            and the process efficiency. The      Several sensors allow the com-
            automatic camera inspection is    plete control of each step of
            a primary tool to reach the       production, from tube loading to
            machine optimum  settings and     serigraphy process.
            to monitor the process efficien-     SPAMI annealing process
            cy, satisfying what the phar-     offers multiple benefits, includ-           SPAMI
            maceutical companies consider     ing an electric rotative oven with
            as an essential prerequisite for   smaller footprint that grants a           Via Molinella 17
            their containers.                 higher product handling stabil-      35017 Piombino Dese  (PD) - Italy
               SAM30 is equipped with:        ity through the entire phase.               Via Azzurra 15
                                                                                   40064 Ozzano Emilia (BO) - Italy
                                                                                      Tel.: +39-049-9318111
              forming installed after the     ing beam, the rotative oven allows      Fax: +39-049-9366151
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