Page 41 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 2/2017
P. 41

resently, with an installed
                     capacity of nearly 10,500
               P tonnes per day, the total
               capacity in a country with a
               population of 1.27 billion seems
               inadequate, but considering that
               the capacity was a meagre 4,500
               tonnes per day in 2010, the
               Indian container glass industry
               has made great strides over the
               past six years.                 TABLE 1
                                               End user Segment   Share in Container   Major Container Glass
               OVERVIEW OF INDUSTRY                             Glass market     Producers in the segment
                  With four large scale pro-   Liquor           47 %             HNGL, AGI Glasspac,
               ducers in addition to about a                                     Haldyn Glass, Sunrise Glass
               dozen mid-sized and 20 small    Beer             19 %             HNGL, AGI Glasspac, Can Pack India
               scale companies, the indus-
                                               Packaged food    12 %             HNGL, Janta Glass, Enki Glass
               try is getting ready for one of
               the best periods in its history.   Pharmaceuticals & Cosmetics    9 %   Piramal Glass, HNGL
               Steady growth in the country’s   Others ( Including wine)         13 %        -
               economy has led to a vast sec-
               tion of the population joining the middle class   packaged food, pharmaceuticals and cosmetic
               bandwagon every year. This factor along with    segments are the largest container glass con-
               rising disposable incomes, changing lifestyles,   sumers in India, in that order.
               changing spending habits and rising urbaniza-     IMFL accounts for about half the market
               tion has created much needed opportunities for   share of the container glass industry in India.
               the country’s container glass producers to tap   With a consumption of 310 million cases in
               into the ever increasing demand for glass from   2015, the Indian IMFL industry is the third
               food and beverages as well as the alcoholic and   largest market in the world with an estimated
               pharmaceutical segments.                        size of 35 billion USD. The market has grown
                                                               at a compounded annual growth rate (CAGR)
               CONTAINER GLASS                                 of 9 percent in the last four years. This seg-
               CONSUMPTION PATTERNS                            ment is expected to be the largest end user seg-
                  IMFL (Indian Made Foreign Liquor), Beer,     ment for the container glass industry in India

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