Page 35 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 2/2017
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                                                     LIBBEY   Corning’s roofing and     along with his nearly
                                                              asphalt division. Earlier   20 years of business
                      CFO APPOINTMENT                         in his career, Burmeister   leadership experience,
                                                              served in a variety of roles   make him highly qualified
             Libbey Inc., one of the   Inc. in Maumee, Ohio,   with General Electric,   to take on the CFO
             largest glass tableware   where he served as     including an assignment   role.”  “On behalf of
             manufacturers in the     vice president, finance   with GE’s highly regarded   the board of directors, I
             world, has announced     and treasurer, with     Corporate Audit Staff,   would also like to extend
             the appointment of James   responsibility for the   and with Rubbermaid in   my sincere gratitude
             C. (Jim) Burmeister      treasury, investor      its supply chain function.  to Ronni Smith, who
             to the position of vice   relations, tax, sourcing,   A graduate of the   seamlessly assumed the
             president, chief financial   business development and   US Naval Academy,   interim CFO role three
             officer. Burmeister       continuous improvement   Burmeister served as a   months ago,” continued
             joined the company as    organizations. Prior to   captain in the Marine   William Foley. “She has
             an executive officer on   joining The Andersons,   Corps from 1990-1995,   once again demonstrated
             30 March 2017, and       Inc., he held roles of   including service in the   that she is a strong
             will have accountability   increasing responsibility   Persian Gulf.      and talented leader.”
             for Libbey’s worldwide   in operations finance with   “We are pleased to   With Burmeister’s
             finance organization and   Owens Corning, beginning   welcome Jim to Libbey’s   appointment, Ronni will
             for implementing financial   in 2005 as director,   senior management      resume her
             and operating strategies   finance of Owens       team,” said William      previous
             to support the Company’s   Corning’s cultured stone   Foley, chairman and chief   position as
             drive to improve its     business and culminating   executive officer, Libbey   vice
             financial performance.    in his role from 2013-  Inc. “His extensive      president,
             Burmeister joins Libbey   2014 as vice president,   knowledge of operations   corporate
             from The Anderson’s,     finance of Owens         and corporate finance,    controller.

                                         HARBISONWALKER       “We are a US-based company and have a
                                                              strong US-based manufacturing network. We
           NEW PLANT ANNOUNCED                                have already made significant investments in individual
                                                              plants, in locations such as South Shore, Kentucky and
             HarbisonWalker International (HWI), the largest   White Cloud, Michigan, as part of our plans to improve
             supplier of refractory products and services in the US,   our manufacturing performance across the company.
             has announced that it is investing USD 30 million to   This new plant, with its state-of-the-art technological
             construct a new, state-of-the-art monolithic refractories   advancements, is the next step in our strategy to
             manufacturing facility. The new facility will be located   improve performance and better meet the needs of our
             along the Ohio River Valley in the northern Kentucky/  customers,” said Douglas Hall, Senior Vice President,
             southern Ohio region of the US.                  Integrated Supply Chain, HarbisonWalker International.
             The new facility will be one of the most technologically   “Monolithics are a growth area, and the new plant
             advanced refractories plants to be built in the US and   will enable us to further elevate product quality and
             will be operational by early 2018. Capacity is expected   consistency. From a broader perspective, the new plant
             to be 80,000 metric tons per year. It will employ   represents an overall strategy to reinforce our leadership
             highly-trained technicians and staff in a team-based   position in refractories through significant investments
             environment. The plant will feature a high degree   in our people, processes and products,” added Carol
             of automation and technology, and will utilize lean   Jackson, Senior Vice President and General Manager,
             techniques throughout its operations to maximize   HarbisonWalker International.
             material flow efficiency and production. In addition, the   “Leveraging new technologies and processes in the
             facility will introduce advanced packaging technologies   new plant will allow us to successfully address growing
             that are new to the North American market.       demand for monolithics by being a cost-effective
             The strategic location of the new facility is a critical   producer of the highest quality products. These
             feature that will provide unparalleled distribution and   attributes – combined with the largest distribution
             logistics advantages. Its close proximity to accessible   network in North America, a total-solution product
             river, rail and highway transportation options will ensure   portfolio, and a reinvigorated approach to innovation
             efficient delivery of raw materials from nearby suppliers   – further strengthen our position as a leader in North
             and finished products to customers.               American refractories,” noted Jackson.

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