Page 45 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 2/2017
P. 45

across the country, these produc-
            ers cater to niche segments in
            their respective territories.
               The state of Gujarat, which has
            six of these mid-sized container
            glass producers, is fast emerg-
            ing as one of the largest con-
            tainer glass producing centres in
            the country. Haldyn Glass (320
            tonnes per day), Sunrise Glass
            (220 tonnes per day), Janta Glass
            (220 tonnes per day), Paragati
            Glass (170 tonnes per day) and
            Enki Glass Industry (130 tonnes
            per day) are some of the leading
            mid-scale container glass pro-
            ducers based in the state.
               Other mid-scale producers are
            based in state of Uttar Pradesh,
            Maharashtra and in the cen-
            tral part of India in the state of

               The small town of Firozabad
            (250 kilometres from Delhi) is    town based on the initiatives of   in the town. These units make
            in state of Uttar Pradesh and has   the Centre for the Development   bangles, glass beads, tableware
            about ten small scale container   of glass industry (CDGI).  CDGI   glass and other gift-related glass
            glass producers. These producers   has been set up as a joint ven-  products.. O
            cater to glass bottle requirements   ture project of the governments
            of small food and beverage pro-   of India and Uttar Pradesh,  the
            ducers.                           United Nations Development
               Most of these producers use    Program (UNDP) and the United
            outdated technology for produc-   Nations Industrial Development
            tion and supply to companies      Organization (UNIDO).
            where quality is not the utmost     Firozabad is known for its glass
            criteria. In recent years, glass pro-  industry and has a long history
                   ducers have stressed the   of glass production. Currently,
                    improvement of quality    there about 300 small and very
                     for container glass in the   small glass manufacturing units

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