Page 47 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 2/2017
P. 47

Antonini S.r.l. has               Antonini announced a massive     card for Antonini. We had already
                                              order – the largest in its history –   been supplying annealing and dec-
            undertaken to supply              from Owens Illinois for the equiva-  orating lehrs to IVC and when
                                              lent of forty standard lehr units to   they decided to expand in Piedras
            the equivalent of                 be supplied to glass manufacturers   Negras, we were in a good position
                                              in Mexico.                       to pitch for the order. We were
            forty standard lehrs                Lorenzo Frediani,  an engineer   highly thought of, the client was
                                              with Antonini.Srl explained some   very satisfied with our products
            to Owens-Illinois for its         aspects of the deal:             and services, and no doubt O-I
                                                                               were advised that on past perfor-
            Mexican glassworks.               LONG ESTABLISHED IN              mance, Antonini were among the
                                              MEXICO                           top. Of course, reputation alone
            The ex-works order                  “It goes back a long way. We   is never enough; we had to get all
                                              have been supplying lehrs to O-I   the details and calculations right
            was mostly for large              all over the world – from New    in our negotiations with O-I, but
                                              Zealand to Chile, as they say – and   eventually our bid was accepted.
            decorating lehrs to               we were also a supplier to the IVC   To the best of my knowledge, this
                                              glassworks in Piedras Negras in   is the biggest one-shot order in
            be delivered over the             Mexico. You will find Antonini    Anonini’s history.
                                              lehrs up and down the country as
            next year and is the              we have been supplying Mexican   THE HARDWARE
                                              glassworks for about twenty years,   Initially, we were to supply elev-
                                              so we are well known and respect-  en long decorating lehrs (which
            largest order in the
                                              ed for the quality of our products.”   are double the standard unit length
                                                O-I has been involved with con-  of 25m).The extra length is needed
            company’s history                 tainer glass in Mexico since 1909   because in decorating lehrs it is
                                              (when Vidriera Monterrey opened   necessary to heat up the glass first
                                              the first glass factory in Mexico to   – unlike the annealing lehrs where
                                              produce container glass using an   the lehr receives the bottles already
                                              automated system licensed from   hot. In addition, the temperatures
                                              Owens-Illinois) and they have    reached are about 100º hotter, so
                                              recently acquired such companies   the materials used in these lehrs
                                              as Vitro, and Antonini ‘s client at   have to be a higher quality to cope
                                              Piedras Negras, IVC .            with the extra stress.
                                                                                 Along with these there was also
                                              SUCCESS BREEDS SUCCESS           an order for eight standard lehrs.
                                                The people at Vitro are very   This brought the total to the equiv-
                                              happy with the results they get with   alent of thirty standard units. We
                                              our lehrs so it is a good visiting-  were also negotiating with another

                  NTONINI SRL
                    Antonini Srl of Empoli,
            AItaly have been making plant
            and equipment for the glass indus-
            try since 1946. Over those 70 years
            the company has grown to be a
            major player on the world market
            for annealing, decorating, temper-
            ing lehrs and accessories. They
            have had 1,600 installations in
            more than 80 countries. Recently

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