Page 50 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 2/2017
P. 50

        Container glass manufacturing
                            RSS100 3-axes     speed loading of bottles.        gramme upgrades and remote
                             servo stacker      The powerful control of the    control of the stacker.
                                              three axes of the machine, along
                                              with its reliable and unique     HIGH SPEED WARE TRANSFER
                                              mechanical design, enable to load   Revimac Ware transfer 700
                                              one complete machine cycle, with   series, featuring the new angle
                                              peaks up to 18 cycles per minute.  transfer profile, is particularly
                                                                               suitable to be installed on high
                                              ROBOTIC STACKER                  speed lines (up to 700 bpm).
                                                The RSS-950 5-axes servo
                                              stacker and RSS-930 3-axes
                                              servo stacker are part of the
                                              most recent generation of Robot
                                              machines working with “Scara-
                                              Cartesian“ hybrid geometry on
                                              X-Y-Z axes and A-B axes for the
                 hanks to its 28 years of sup-  “steady bar”.
                 plying equipment to the hot    Their control features a user-
            Tend of global glassworks,        friendly touchscreen interface
            Revimac has gained considerable   that allows the operator to easily
            experience in responding to - but   change the loading profile adapt-
            also anticipating the needs of    ing it to the different  jobs to be
            companies working in this dif-    run. A self-learning function has
            ficult environment. In this article,   been implemented in the software   The new paddle assembly,
            Revimac gives us an overview      control to reduce the intervention   split in two different parts, makes
            of its most important products,   of the operator with regards to   changeover to suit different jobs
            aimed at guaranteeing both pre-   setting the pushing and steady   requirements extremely easy and
            cision and high speed operations.  bar curve profile.               fast.
                                                Moreover, thanks to the inno-    Revimac's new version of ware
               Revimac, part of the Bottero   vative “Grab Mode” function      transfer is also suitable to handle
            group of companies, boasts 28     (available for the five-axes stack-  standard bottles (such as those
            years' experience with global     er only) the glass ware is lifted by   for beer) and small wares (such
            major glass container manufac-    the steady bar and loaded direct-  as for cosmetics), by quick plug
            turers, supplying a wide range of   ly onto the annealing lehr belt,   &play insert of dedicated pad-
            machinery and equipment for the   greatly reducing the risk of con-  dles without changing the upper
            hot-end area.                     tainers falling, and, at thr same   wheel.
               Over the years, Revimac has    time, avoiding bottom scratches.   Revimac Cross conveyors
            supplied over 1,400 ware trans-     In the field experience shows   are equipped with an innovative
            fers, stackers, cross conveyors   that the average speed of the five-  design of tubular steel conveyor
            and other machines to more than   axes stacker is nine cycles per   beam with built-in water cool-
            40 countries around the world.    minute and can be increased up   ing system, to avoid any risk of
               A number of improvements       to 15 cycles per minute with the   thermal dilatation or deformation
            have been introduced in terms     three-axes stacker.              of its frame.
            of design to cope with market       Three- and five-axes stackers
            demand.                           are available with Stand Alone
               Revimac has implemented the    control that enables their instal-
            control of three- and five-axes in   lation to serve any type of IS
            its range of servo-stackers specif-  machine independently from
            ically for high speed production   their control system.
            lines and the handling of very      Finally, through ADSL and
            unstable glassware.               router with a Firewall, the
               The RSS-100 3-Axes servo       Revimac service staff is also
            stacker has been in use at top    available 24/7, with the possibil-
            glass manufacturers worldwide     ity of connecting to the machine
            for many years, for very high     software for remote-service, pro-

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