Page 53 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 2/2017
P. 53


            The company has optimized

            cold-end operations at its

            pharmaceutical glass

            production plants with

            state-of-the-art packing robots

                    nnovative   automated     ing process initially kill all the   shifts loaded the transport pal-
                    processes are safeguard-  germs. To prevent recontamina-   lets. This kind of work involves
            “Iing the future of our           tion, the bottles go straight from   a great deal of effort and con-
            plants and improving the qual-    the annealing oven to the clean   centration because it takes place
            ity of our products,” said Dr.    room, where various mechanical   at high speeds. Gerresheimer
            Jürgen Unruh, General Manager     and optical inspection systems   decided to automate the process
            at Gerresheimer Essen. He         are used to identify and sort    in order to eliminate the resulting
            added that the installation of    out defective bottles. After the   pallet packing errors.
            packing robots at the Essen facil-  final inspection, the bottles in the
            ity serves as an example for the   clean room are shrink wrapped   OVER 1000 PACKING
            other production plants in the    in the required pack size with   FORMATS
            Gerresheimer Group.               safe pack technology to ensure     All the necessary information
               Pharmaceutical    packaging    that they are hermetically sealed   for the palletisation process is
            products, such as the glass bottles   in a germ-free environment.   contained in the order number.
            manufactured by Gerresheimer,       The shrink wrapped packs       The products are shrink wrapped
            have to satisfy stringent require-  then have to be packaged and   with safe pack technology in a
            ments and be low in germs and     palletized to prevent transporta-  clean room environment accord-
            particles. The extremely high     tion damage. In the past, produc-  ing to the customer’s specifica-
            temperatures in the glass mould-  tion plant personnel working in   tions on packing format. There

            Every year, Gerresheimer’s pharmaceutical industry customers order

            several hundreds of millions of glass pharmaceutical packaging

            products manufactured at the company’s plants in Essen and Lohr.

            Packing robots were recently introduced to improve the efficiency

            and reliability of packing operations before the pharmaceutical glass

            products are delivered to customers.

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