Page 57 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 2/2017
P. 57

Throughout the process the
                                                                               engineering team works on every
                                                                               facet of design, determining
                                                                               cooling profiles of plungers and
                                                                               moulds, identifying exhaust holes
                                                                               in fixed blow moulds, calculat-
                                                                               ing parison design for press and
                                                                               blow moulds, obtaining homoge-
                                                                               neity, glass thickness and ovality
                                                                               on spinning moulds and reverse
                                                                               engineering projects by laser
                                                                               scanning on any surface. After
                                                                               the mould design details have
                                                                               been finalized by Merkad, the
                                                                               company provides 2D and 3D
                                                                               files to the client for approval.
                                                                                 Merkad’s customers have the
                                                                               advantage of working with high
            THOROUGH DESIGN                   a design article and ending with a   accuracy mould equipment that
            AND EVALUATION                    complete set of mould construc-  has a longer lifespan than its
               Merkad engineering is a perfect   tion schematics, the company is   competitors and without the need
            partner for their client’s most chal-  committed to create and deliver   of extra processing during glass
            lenging projects. The company’s   designs efficiently to achieve suc-  production.
            experienced design team assists   cessful glass production. Probable
            customers with innovative sug-    problems, which may occur during   PRODUCTS
            gestions in product and mould     production, are simulated using    Merkad provides the high-
            equipment design. Starting with   advanced software programs.      est quality mould equipment
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