Page 60 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 2/2017
P. 60


                                                                                      A year and a

                                                                                      half after the

                                                                                      launch of Falorni

                                                                                      TECH Division,

                                                                                      we returned

                                                                                      to Tuscany to

                                                                                      meet Riccardo

                                                                                      Scarselli, General

                                                                                      Manager of

                                               Falorni TECH                           Falorni TECH. We

                                                                                      have drawn up
            BUILDING YOUR                                                             an initial review of

                                                                                      its progress and
                                BUSINESS IS                                           of the new even

                                                                                      more ambitious
                    OUR BUSINESS                                                      projects.

                     r. Scarselli, 2017 has   to supply cutting-edge solutions   nies: which are the companies
                     just begun. How was      which perfectly meet our custom-  that you consider as direct
            Mthe last year and what           ers’ needs for quality and deliv-  competitors?
            is the spirit for the new one?    ery schedule. Other aspect we’re   We continuously challenge
               2016 was very positive both in   working on is company commu-   ourselves in order to constantly
            terms of orders and turnover, and   nication to increase awareness   improve and achieve the high-
            we are working to make the fol-   about our tailored solutions and   est levels of quality by setting
            lowing years equally positive. The   services. As well as being present   new technological standards.
            company is growing because we     at major events - such Glassman   We don’t want to compare our-
            are continuing to invest heavily in   South America, China Glass,   selves to our competitors, figures
            innovation to improve our tech-   MIR Stekla - we have launched    are not our priority: we want
            nical performance. Our aim is to   a new website and joined social   to earn the confidence of our
            become an ideal player in sup-    media: we live in a web driven   customers through our experi-
            plying turnkey glass plants, from   age and a consistent brand story   ence but it is fundamental that
            the preliminary study, through    also involves them.              words match with deeds because
            all the intermediate stages, to                                    customers are our own best sales
            final commissioning. I can affirm     Falorni TECH is growing a      people. Let me say that compa-
            that Falorni TECH is now able     lot like other European compa-   nies in the hollow glass field are

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