Page 61 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 2/2017
P. 61

all highly competitive but the    Turkey, a country that we know   ibility it provides; second: the sav-
            value that Falorni TECH adds is   very well and with which we      ings on fuel with the consequent
            our reliability. When we say that   have a long-standing trade rela-  reduction of emission of NOx.
            BUILDING YOUR BUSINESS            tionship and where, moreover,    We are focused on the environ-
            IS OUR BUSINESS it is because     we have another very impor-      ment, not only because of our
            confidence plays a crucial role    tant project close to completion   business ethics but also because
            in our field and it is on our reli-  about which we will have more   customers have become much
            ability that we must build rela-  to say in the near future. Besides,   more demanding on this issue.
            tionships with customers. That’s   we have strengthened our pres-  Our experience in designing and
            why besides the team in Italy, we   ence in Italy and Europe and   constructing industrial furnaces
            have set up a network of rep-     expanded our position in Central   combined with continuous refine-
            resentative agents to guarantee   and South America. What I can    ment of projects, has enabled us
            our “physical” presence in all the   say for now is that opportunities   to develop reliable high-technol-
            countries in which we have pro-   for Falorni TECH in the eastern   ogy low Nox emission solutions
            jects in progress.                Mediterranean and Middle East    including oxy-fuel melting, and
                                              have grown strongly and we are   also to develop low NOx emis-
               In our last meeting we spoke   planning to strengthen our posi-  sion retro-fit systems for exist-
            about an important project in     tion into what will become one of   ing furnaces (LN REGEN burner
            Turkey (complete rebuilding       our target market.               technology and OXY SWING
            and modernisation of a glass                                       system) to guarantee productiv-
            wool furnace and production         Coming back to Falorni         ity and reduce costs without any
            forehearths in the Çorlu fac-     TECH's core business - fur-      risk to the production process.
            tory of the Turkish group ODE     naces - but more specifically,    But, obviously, Falorni TECH is
            Yalitim) and the partner-         let's talk about oxygen furnaces.  also in a position to supply all the
            ship with INTCO. What has           We all know that glass produc-  conventional technology so as to
            changed and what results have     tion is an activity that needs high   satisfy fully the requirements of all
            been produced in these twelve     amounts of energy per unit of    glassworks. O
            months?                           product and that melting is the
               The ODE project has been       most energy hungry phase. We
            completed as specified, within     believe that oxygen furnaces will
            the agreed time, thanks also to   soon become protagonists in the
            the collaboration with INTCO,     field and this also applies for medi-
            which has confirmed our expec-     um sized container glass plants.
            tations as a strategic and reliable   There are two main reasons for
            partner. It has contributed in    this result: first, the cost of the       FALORNI
            strengthening our presence in     investment and the increased flex-  GIANFRANCO SRL /
                                                                                   FALORNI TECH

                                                                                       Viale Iv Novembre 15
                                                                                      50053 Empoli (FI) - Italy
                                                                                        Tel.: 0571-922333
                                                                                        Fax: 0571-920816
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