Page 16 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 4/2017
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                                                     TIAMA    training programs,       presence, is one
                                                              services contracts and   of our strongest
              3  EDITION OF TIAMA’S                           hotline packages.        added-value and we
                                                              It was also a great      will definitely continue
                        SERVICE SEMINAR                       opportunity to celebrate   to support all of our
                                                              team spirit, meet or     products’ performances
             Support being central   Thailand, Iran, Turkey,   discover new team-mates   and maintenance
             to its range of solutions,   Russia, China, the   from around the world   with local specialists”
             Tiama just hosted the   USA, the UAE,            supporting glassmakers   highlights Paulo
             third edition of a two-day   Costa Rica, UK, Italy,   locally, and to exchange   Pereira, the global
             Seminar with the aim to   Spain, Germany         field experiences based   Tiama After-Sales
             improve Services offered   and more!             on different cultures,   manager.
             to its customers through   The two-day program   habits…                  Starting now, Tiama
             several workshops.      was filled with workshops    “We are perfectly aware   is looking to add 12
             The seminar succeeded   and presentations of     that Customer Service,   additional Customer
             in gathering most of the   the growing service   based on a truly local   Support Engineers.
             worldwide Tiama Service   portfolio, highlighting the
             department which        latest novelties such as
             represents nearly 60    SPOCs (Small Private
             experts coming from 21   Online Courses), on-line
             countries, such as Egypt,   simulators, new tailored

                glass machinery plants & accessories 4/2017
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