Page 20 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 4/2017
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                                                 CP GLASS                              of glass containers
                                                                                       production processes.
                      CP GLASS USES 3D                                                 The R&D team deals
                                                              us.” says Paweł Skop from   with the process of
                                  PRINTING AS                 the CP Glass S.A. R&D    refining glass packagings
                                                              Department.              to improve their
                     INNOVATIVE BOTTLE                        “3D Printing allows us to   technological parameters
                                                              quickly model new bottle   and their visual container
              PRODUCTION SUPPORT                              shapes while maintaining a   reception.
                                                              high quality. Working with   CP Glass S.A. has
             CP Glass S. A., a       our customers’ products   the VSHAPER team, we    implemented an
             subsidiary of CAN-PACK   on the market.” says    have were able to produce   innovative hot end
             S.A. and a part of Can-  Krzysztof Staniek, the   prints with distinctive   processing method,
             Pack Capital Group,  is   CEO of CP Glass S.A.   transparency in white,   with application of
             one of the most important   The company opened a   green and brown. Printed   hot nanoparticles of
             packaging manufacturers   design office in Orzesz,   models also undergo resin   aluminium compounds,
             in Europe. Together     Poland, to offer complete   processing. The designs   that can be used as a
             with its subsidiaries, it    services in designing glass   we have prepared this   replacement for the
             offers a wide assortment   containers, including   way are presented to our   traditional methods and
             of the highest quality   the preparation of      customers, and most      that enables the company
             glass packagings used   technical documentation,   importantly, the process   to increase the mechanical
             in the beer and spirits   preparation of technical   of their preparation is   strength of glass
             industries, the company   mould design and creation   much cheaper than the   containers, the impact
             bases its R&D activities   of product visualization,   traditional modelling   strength, the internal
             on cooperation with     including filled container   method.” explains Paweł   pressure as well as axial
             domestic and foreign    visualization. Before    Skop.                    compressive strength.
             research centers.       production begins, the   The VSHAPER 270          Furthermore, this new
             Recently, the Research   R&D Department, in      Double is also used in the   processing method
             and Development         cooperation with the Sales   production of unusual   improves the containers’
             Department started      Department, develops new   spare parts, especially   hydrolytic class.
             being supported by      packaging designs, and   when they are no longer   3D Printing technology,
             the VSHAPER 270         to streamline the plastic   available, the cost of   currently used in the
             Double 3D Printer.      modelling process, the   purchasing is too high,   design and manufacture
             CP Glass S.A. holds its   company uses 3D Printing   or the lead time for parts   of spare parts, will be
             strong position in the   technology and decided   used on the production   used in other R&D
             market thanks to its high   to choose the solutions   line is too long.   projects, including
             quality products, state-  offered by the VSHAPER   CP Glass S.A. through   production of test
             of-the-art technology   3D Printers manufacturer.  its New Investment     bottles with a lower glass
             of production and       “When analysing the      and R&D Department       weight to test their load
             involvement and high    solutions available on the   researches optimization   resistance during filling.
             qualifications of their   market, we were looking
             employees. The company   for those demonstrating
             also strengthens its    the best value for money.
             position through        The cooperation with the
             investments in Europe   producer from day one
             and Asia.               of the selection stage was
             “In order to meet the   also an important factor.
             expectations of our     The VSHAPER printers
             customers we offer a    manufacturer was very
             wide range of solutions   professional in creating
             for customizing bottle   test models, incorporating
             designs, including shape,   our suggestions and
             color, closure type,    providing solid technical
             positioning, engraving   support. No other
             and a number of other   manufacturer made such
             solutions to distinguish   a positive impression on

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