Page 17 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 4/2017
P. 17


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                  PPG TO DIVEST FIBER-

               GLASS OPERATIONS TO


             PPG has announced        energy, infrastructure
             that it has reached a    and consumer markets.
             definitive agreement      In 2016, PPG completed
             to sell its remaining    the sale of its European
             fiberglass operations to   fiberglass operations
             Nippon Electric Glass    to NEG and divested            Since 1947, Henry F. Teichmann,
             Co. Ltd. (NEG), a        its ownership interests        Inc. has grown and progressed
             leading manufacturer of   in two Asian fiberglass        on the theme: “Satisfied clients
                                                                     are our most important asset.”
             fiberglass.               joint ventures. PPG also
                                                                     Our employees are practical,
             The transaction is       completed the sale of its
                                                                     conscientious, and experienced
             expected to close in the   North American flat glass
                                                                     in every phase of the glass
             second half of 2017,     business in 2016.
                                                                     industry. As a result of our
             subject to customary     “We considered all of
                                                                     clients’ successes, we have
             closing conditions. Pre-  the strategic alternatives
                                                                     become recognized worldwide as
             tax proceeds from the    for the business and
                                                                     one of the largest independent –
             sale are approximately   factored potential
                                                                     Engineers and Contractors to the
             USD 545 million, and     impacts to stakeholders.       Glass Industry.
             are subject to customary   We are pleased that
             closing adjustments.     these operations will             The key to the success in turnkey projects is to
             PPG’s remaining          become part of NEG,                         seamlessly integrate ...
             fiberglass operations     a company that is
                                                                            q Engineering  q Procurement Services
             include manufacturing    focused on fiberglass as
                                                                        q Construction Services   q Project Management
             facilities in Chester,   a core business,” said
                                                                                    q Annealing Lehrs
             South Carolina, and      Michael H. McGarry,
             Lexington and Shelby,    PPG chairman and chief
             North Carolina;          executive officer. “This
             and administrative       transaction represents
             and research-and-        the end of PPG’s history
             development              as a manufacturer of
             operations in Shelby and   fiberglass and is the final
             in Harmar,               action in our disciplined,
             Pennsylvania, near       multiyear strategy to
             Pittsburgh.              divest non-core                                      Annealing Lehr Manufacturer
             The business, which      businesses.                                         E.W. Bowman, Inc. is now part of
                                                                                             Henry F. Teichmann, Inc.
             employs more than        Going forward, we will
             1,000 people and         continue to focus on
             had net sales of         growing our paints,
             approximately USD 350    coatings and
             million in 2016, supplies   speciality materials
             the transportation,      businesses. I want to
                                      personally thank our
                                      fiberglass employees
                                      for their contributions
                                      and dedicated support
                                      of PPG, and wish them             Engineers and Contractors to the Glass Industry
                                      well as they establish the
                                      North American fiberglass        3009 Washington Road  8  McMurray, PA  15317-3202  8  USA
                                      business of NEG.”
                                                                             +1 724 941 9550

                                                                    Fax: +1 724 941 3479
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