Page 45 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 4/2017
P. 45

has been considerable customer   the boxes or on the pallet accord-  KEEP IT SIMPLE
             interest in such a step, so the   ing to the glassware numbers      An important consideration in
             prospects of future business are   previously selected. Items sepa-  the Olivotto approach to automa-
             promising.                       rators in the boxes or pallet layer   tion is to make it “fitter-friendly”
               The automation of the hot      separators are positioned consist-  while being at the same time
             end enabled OGT to reduce the    ently by the robots. If necessary,   high-tech. This involves design-
             personnel needed to operate the    items can also be de-palletized   ing equipment which does not
             forming line and also increased   automatically.                  have fragility built-in as a result
             the flexibility of the machinery.   Boxes and pallets are supplied   of its complexity and which can
             Similar reductions in the produc-  to the line as needed by sepa-  be maintained by operators in
             tion costs are to be expected from   rate “stand alone” modules. The   the countries in which the plant
             automation of the cold end.      boxes are formed automatically   is installed without having to
                                              from die-cut corrugated paper    depend on specialists to be flown
             WORK BEGINS                      blanks, by dedicated equipment.   in. The calibration of the robots
               With the involvement of an       Boxes containing glassware     to cope with stemware was prob-
             important Asian customer,        can be stacked on pallets or be   ably the most difficult aspect of
             the first Automatic Packaging     themselves loaded into larger    the setup, but robot technology
             Line order was signed in 2016.   “master” boxes by a multitasking   is by now relatively mature and
             Operating data was collected     robot.  Individual items can also   holds few mysteries for technolo-
             and led to the construction of the   be arranged on a multi-layered   gists. The control systems do not
             first line and this is now in the   pallet.                        use sophisticated optical track-
             process of being factory tested.   The boxes are closed and the   ing which might need a lot of
             Trials are expected to be con-   pallets wrapped automatically.   maintenance. The overall result
             cluded in November 2017; on      Correct loading of the items is   is a simple user-friendly instal-
             successful completion, another   checked by the system;  partial-  lation with a degree of rugged-
             six lines will be produced for the   ly loaded or otherwise defective   ness which reduces down-time
             same customer.                   packaging is rejected.           and translates into high levels of
                                                The latest high technology     acceptability by operators.
             THE LINE                         inspect/reject module which can    By automating the packaging
               The packaging line can handle   detect defective items and elimi-  line, OGT has closed the loop
             a variety of glassware with differ-  nate them from the line is an   and opened the way for a fully
             ent shapes and dimensions.  The   optional extra.                 automated production line. With
             cooled glass items arrive on a                                    its automation philosophy, the
             conveyor belt from the annealing   ECONOMIC ADVANTAGES            company has put this automated
             lehr after they have been passed   OF AUTOMATED PACKAGING         production line within reach of a
             by a quality assurance examina-    The immediate advantages       wide range of clients while reduc-
             tion (which can be either manual   of the packaging line to the   ing operating costs in the mod-
             or automated).                   client are obvious:  operating   ern short-run frequent-change
               Several    anthropomorphic     costs have been cut by reducing   customized-product production
             robots are used in series or in   changeover times; maintenance   environment. O
             parallel – depending on the speed   times have been cut by simplify-
             of the line – for glassware pre-  ing the machines, the cold-end
             positioning according to their   now needs only one operator/
             automatic boxing,                supervisor, buffer areas can be
               The pre-positioned glassware   used to minimize production
             is then either loaded into corru-  losses. The reliability, flexi-
             gated cardboard boxes or stacked   bility and predictability of the
             in layers on a pallet. The items   machinery with the minimum        OLIVOTTO GLASS
             can be individually positioned   of maintenance and supervision   TECHNOLOGIES SPA
             either upright or reversed.      will enable it to be incorporated
               To cope with stoppages of the   into automated factory systems.           Viale Gandhi, 22
                                                                                     10051 Avigliana (TO) - Italy
             line, items can be diverted to or   Installation of this line will result   Tel.: +39 - 011 - 9343511
             retrieved from a buffer area. The   into reduction of almost 90 per     Fax: +39 - 011 - 9343593
             robots are calibrated to achieve   cent of the man power dedicated        E-mail:
             precise repeatable handling and   to the packing area with a a con-
             positioning of the glassware in   sequent very short  ROI.

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