Page 47 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 4/2017
P. 47

the possible machine (or tech-
                                                                                  nique, or procedure) that
                                                                                  would allow some improve-
                                                                                  ment in terms of speed;
                                                                               b) An intervention related to the
                                                                                  training of the specialized peo-
                                                                                  ple to handle and operate the
                                                                                  new tools or apply some new
                                                                               c) Last, but surely not the least,
                                                                                  the detailed risk analysis of a
                                                                                  still very manual activity and
                                                                                  the general motivation (in all
                                                                                  workforce, from management
                                                                                  to the bricklayers) to suggest
                                                                                  safer procedures.
                                                                                  This path is already show-
                                                                               ing some progress in our Group
                                                                               projects, with the introduction
                                                                               of fully mechanized solutions in
             body understands the economic      To be better and, at the same   some special activities as also the
             value of a stopped furnace.      time, faster, we need to invest   usage of remote control specially
               Our daily challenge is related   in R&D development for new     developed tools.
             exactly to the possibility of offer-  techniques that would allow    We are perfectly aware that
             ing our customers the same lev-  if not faster intervention, at   this innovation (consequence of
             els of quality of intervention in   least lower risks for specialized   a continuous R&D concern) has
             a shorter time, guaranteeing (I   workers.                        been one of the reasons for our
             would say always improving) the    This factor involves several   global success and a major factor
             safety of the working environ-   important aspects:               for differentiation from our com-
             ment for our personnel.          a) A technical issue related to   petitors. For all presented rea-

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