Page 49 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 4/2017
P. 49

well their specialization and cur-  Are there any other activities/  sive full repairs, this type of
             rent activities in all three types   services you want to expand?  activity, related with closer
             of work.                           In terms of all mentioned      monitoring of furnace opera-
               There are some companies       above, we must refer to the      tions, will become a major asset
             very specialized and orientated   increasing importance of what   in the market of the future.  O
             in maintenance procedures and    we classify as ‘special services’:
             contracts, but the acceptance of a   our Group has been investing a
             minor repair is taken exactly with   lot in a very specialized group of
             the same confidence and concern   technicians that share the mission
             as a new green field project.     to discover, develop and perform
               As mentioned, the important    ‘magical’ solutions to keep the
             fact is to keep customers happy   furnaces running.                 LIZMONTAGENS
             (all over the world) and furnaces   Knowing the difficult capacity        THERMAL
             in the best shape for longer and   of most industries to be able to
             longer campaigns.                invest in new furnaces or expen-    TECHNOLOGIES
                                                                                  Av. Almirante Gago Coutinho, n.56,
                                                                                   10th 1749-041 Lisbon - Portugal
                                                                                     Tel.: +351-218-429270
                                                                                      Fax: +351-218-409412

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