Page 56 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 4/2017
P. 56

         Special events



                                    Bsmart. Motivate. Operate.

                  fter the previous Heye International Symposium
                  in 2013, the company decided to offer once
             Aagain this important opportunity for glass            Heye International Symposium
             people from all over the world to meet and exchange
             ideas. The focus of the Heye International Symposium                     2017 took place
             2017 was BSmart. Motivate. Operate., with other
             topics included a forecast on the glass packing world,             in the presence of 70
             as well as digital challenges in corporate culture.
                                                                    international guests. This year’s
               BSmart (Be Smart) is Heye's vision for the next        event focussed on the theme
             ten years for a smart plant or a smart factory or
             a smart glass plant, and this is also made possible     “BSmart. Motivate. Operate.”,
             thanks to a series of training programs and technical
             assistance agreements that the company provides  to   three topics that were presented
             factories. In fact, Heye gives as much importance
             to training and motivation and leadership concepts    and discussed during the three
             and motivation concepts as it does to technology for
             plants. Of course, it is also a key question to decide          days of the symposium.
             which of the new technologies can really improve the
             plant’s productivity.

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