Page 51 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 4/2017
P. 51

The moulds are completely      and the complexity of main-
                                              engineered in-house; having      taining an international presence
                                              complete control over every stage   convinced Perego to set up a
                                              of production means that the     commercial division to remain
                                              quality of materials, workman-   viable in the globalized market,
                                              ship, and respect for delivery   and that they would have to go
                                              deadlines is independent of out-  outside the family to find a com-
                                              side contractors. But the chal-  mercial manager with the nec-
                                              lenges facing firms in the modern   essary international experience.
                                              world also call for a high level of   The man chosen by Leonardo
                                              commercial competence.           Perego to head this new unit is
                                                                               Michele Giordano, the new Sales
                                              INTERNATIONAL PRESSURES          Manager/Director. With a back-
                                                Changes in management cul-     ground in multinational compa-
                                              ture since globalization have    nies, he has the know-how to
                       Michele Giordano,      forced companies to focus on     back up the technical eminence
                          Sales Manager       externalities governing invest-  in metallurgy and mould design
                                              ment and financing decisions      that has characterized Perego
                                              almost as much as on provid-     for the last 50 years.
             just dedicated craftsmen but a   ing the product or service that
             high level of competence across   the customer wants; this has hit   THE CLIENT CHANGES
             a whole range of management      engineering companies in par-      One of the side-effects of the
             skills. The continued survival of   ticular since they tend to be   influx of Chinese moulds has been
             the company as a family firm after   more product focused. Perego   a culling of less efficient competi-
             more than fifty years is testament   is now an international firm   tors and a refocusing on a larger
             to the quality of the leadership   producing moulds in Italy and   number of smaller local clients
             exercised and the loyalty earned.   Croatia. The volume of business   with more exacting specifications

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