Page 14 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 5/2017
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                                      HEYE INTERNATIONAL      small items and with
                                                              frequent job changes. The
                     HEYE INNOVATIONS                         factory operates a wide
                                                              range of Heye production
             BENEFIT TAIWAN GLASS                             machines, including all of
                                                              the German company’s
            Increasingly, Asia’s glass   family-owned Taiwan   latest innovations. This
            container producers      Glass is Taiwan’s leading   includes Heye’s Press
            are turning to Heye      glass producer, with     Duration Control to
            International for        diversified business      minimize hot end defects,
            innovative and reliable   interests associated with   to provide reproducible
            solutions for their      the manufacture of glass   wall thicknesses and
            production lines. Among   packaging, flat glass,   to ensure high quality
            the company’s high profile   solar glass and glassfibre.   production.
            customers is the Hsinchu   A technical assistance   Based at Obernkirchen,
            factory of Taiwan Glass.  agreement was signed    Germany, Heye
            As a leading supplier of   with Heye International in   International GmbH is
            production technology    1983 and subsequently,   one of the international
            to glass container       the company has pioneered   glass container industry’s
            manufacturers throughout   the NNPB process in    foremost suppliers of
            the world, Heye          Taiwan and the region. In   production technology,
            International GmbH has   total, 11 Heye production   high performance
            assisted Taiwan Glass    lines are now operated   equipment and production
            with its conversion of four   at Hsinchu glassworks, a   knowhow. Its mechanical   motto ‘We are Glass
            more production lines to   positive relationship having   engineering has set   People’. Its three sub-
            Heye technology and the   developed between the   industry standards for   brands HiPERFORM,
            installation of a new Heye   experts of both companies   more than five decades.   HiSHIELD and
            IS machine, featuring    over the past two decades.  Extensive industry    HiTRUST form the Heye
            the company’s latest     With a high proportion of   expertise, combined   International equipment
            developments in Narrow   output destined for export,   with the positive attitude   portfolio, addressing the
            Neck Press and Blow      Taiwan Glass manufactures   and enthusiasm of Heye   glass industry’s hot end,
            (NNPB) production.       an extensive series of   International employees is   cold end and service
            Established in 1994,     products, including very   mirrored by the company   requirements respectively.

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