Page 16 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 5/2017
P. 16


             www .g

            Modern machines                 GPS - GLAS PRODUKTIONS -SERVICE
            are crucial to efficient
            production operations    NEW FINANCING OPTION
            in the container glass                                                     and have an appropriate
            industry. Container glass        FOR CUSTOMERS                             credit rating.
            companies have a strong                                                    GPS is a leading
            partner in GPS - Glas    machine specialist is    customers, one of which   German-based developer
            Produktion-Service,      now a strong financing    is longer-term planning   and supplier of IS
            one of the world’s       partner that is able to   security as a result of the   machines catering to the
            leading developers and   offer attractive financing   financing commitment   needs of the international
            manufacturers of IS      deals to customers. One   being integrated in the   container glass
            machines and modules.    major advantage is that   quote. Also, the time-  manufacturing industry.
            GPS recently combined    the GPS partner banks    consuming process of     The full-service provider’s
            technical excellence and   and leasing companies   funding applications and   product portfolio
            innovation in an attractive   can now be involved   negotiations with banks   includes IS machines
            new financing model       right at the outset of the   and leasing companies is   and components, servo
            for IS machines and      customer project - in the   no longer necessary.  mechanisms, feeders
            modules. This service    planning and quotation   “The one-stop provider   and conveyors as well as
            allows the German        phase. GPS now provides   principle makes the total   control and drive systems
            specialist’s customers   a one-stop service       investment in a new GPS   for various applications.
            to have their products   including IS machine     machine considerably     It also provides
            configured and financed    configuration, life       lower than it is if several   consultancy and training
            in one single process.   cycle management and     parties are involved,”   services to customers
            International customers,   financing to customers   added Maehler.          in the container glass
            in particular, benefit from   who are interested in   The new financing option   manufacturing industry.
            this more cost-efficient   taking advantage of this   for GPS machines is   GPS develops customised
            and less complex way of   all-inclusive arrangement   available to customers   and standard solutions for
            doing business.          that sets the German IS   anywhere in the world.  individual projects, regular
            GPS is a full-service    expert apart from the    They simply have to      customers and companies
            provider with a premium   other market players.   satisfy the criteria set out   of all sizes, including
            product portfolio offering   “We’ve noticed over   by GPS partner banks    financing if required.
            comprehensive lifecycle   the years that financing
            management for installed   processes can be
            machines, parts and      extremely complex and    STÖLZLE GLASS GROUP
            Control & Drive extending   protracted. The sooner
            from advice and problem-  the issue of financing   LAUNCH OF NEW WEBSITE
            solving, through planning   is clarified, the sooner
            and installation, to     the customer can         Stölzle has announced the launch of its new website.
            maintenance, upgrades    make its investment      The new site includes changes to the style layout for
            and training. The new    decision. “We’re the only   navigation, and has been adapted for both mobile and
            financing model has been   company in our industry   desktop versions. An embedded video in the header
            supplementing the GPS    offering customers this   of the website’s main page titled The Art of Making
            range of product-related   combination of an IS   Glass offers a fascinating glimpse into the process to
            services with additional   machine price quote and   manufacture high-end packaging glass.
            central and customer-    a financing commitment,”   The company has also improved the structure
            centric components       said Christian Maehler,   of the content so site visitors can get more from a
            since August 2017. It    CFO at GPS.              quick read. The navigation menu includes all relevant
            offers all partners in the   All customers – both   sections for products, decoration, career and job
            container glass industry   new and existing ones   opportunities, quality management, sustainability,
            a secure and dependable   – have access to this   purchasing and logistics. The main page provides
            source of financing for   attractive financing      quick access to all business units, decoration,
            their investments in new   option that allows them   news and up-and-coming trade shows. Product
            IS machines or machine   to conserve their liquid   information can be obtained by downloading the
            components.              funds or invest them in   catalogues through their respective product pages.
            With its network of      other projects. It offers a   Contact options are available for all fields of interest
            reputable banks the IS   range of benefits to GPS   throughout the website.

                glass machinery plants & accessories 5/2017
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