Page 18 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 5/2017
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            The Encirc brand was     ENCIRC
            created in 2014 following
            the appointment of       INVESTMENTS IN NEW FURNACES
            a share receiver to
            the Quinn group of       Vidrala has agreed to    with a contribution of   because it does influence
            businesses in 2011.      invest GBP 50 million    up to GBP 32 million     heavily on the decisions
            Within the re-brand,     over the next four years in   from the Northern   we make,” he added.
            Encirc Managing          upgrading the plant and   Ireland Executive, will   The first furnace rebuild
            Director Adrian Curry    rebuilding the furnaces to   see the construction of   will take place in 2019
            and his team of directors   accept natural gas which   approximately 200km   and the second in 2021.
            established the Encirc   will be piped to Derrylin   of pipeline linking   Outlining the Encirc
            360 sustainability model   through the Gas to the   Coalisland, Cookstown,   360 sustainability model
            – whereby the company    West initiative.         Derrylin, Dungannon,     in more detail, Curry
            produces 2.7 billion     “When Vidrala bought     Enniskillen, Magherafelt,   said: “We make bottles
            bottles per year between   us they were very clear   Omagh and Strabane to   in Derrylin that are
            Derrylin and Cheshire;   they wanted to keep the   the existing gas network.  transported to the plant
            fills bottles with up to 200   Encirc business as it was;   “Bringing gas in will help   in Cheshire for filling. We
            million litres of wine, beer   same branding, same   environmentally, it will   ship wine, beer and soft
            or soft drink; and takes   management team etc.   help with our emissions   drinks in bulk from all
            care of warehousing and   Over the two-and-a-half   and it also takes three   over the world for filling
            logistics.               years we have learned a   large road tankers [of oil]   in Cheshire so we are not
            The 360 model is “the    lot from each other and   off the road per day. But   shipping glass from all
            only one of its kind     during that time we’ve   it means we will produce   over the world and we
            in the world” and it     become very strong,” said   less glass because oil is   can maximise the weight
            makes Encirc more        Curry, adding: “Vidrala   more efficient at melting   on the container. As it
            sustainable, which is of   have a lot of investments   glass,” said Curry. “The   comes in we fill it, we
            great importance when    across the group so we   complication is that     store 260,000 pallets on
            attracting customers.    have to demonstrate that   we have to design our   site and distribute directly
            Encirc made a pre-tax    we are the best return on   furnaces differently.   to the retailers.
            profit of GBP 33 million   capital.”               We’ve worked very closely   Customers include
            last year; a 17% increase   Encirc was part of the   with Arlene Foster and   Baileys, Guinness,
            from 2015. In order to   initial Gas to the West   her team a number of    Jameson, Bushmills,
            sustain that performance,   discussions with the   years ago and more      Britvic, Heineken, C&C,
            it “has to invest heavily   then Enterprise Minister   recently with the gas   McGuigan wines and
            to stay at the forefront   Arlene Foster and the   providers to get to a point   Gallo wines (formerly
            in terms of technology,   gas providers. The GBP   where everyone is certain   known as Ernest and Julio
            quality and service.”    250 million project,     this is going to happen   Gallo).

                                                   SATINAL    allowing frosted items (flacons, jars, small bottles)
                                                              to come out completely dry and ready for other
                        NEW GENERATION                        decoration processes or for being packed.
                                                              Leonardo Pirazzoli, general manager of Satinal, said,
                    OF GLASS FROSTING                         “Our main goal is to be always a reliable supplier,
                                                              producing high quality machinery and giving the best
              MACHINERY IN FRANCE                             support to our customers. All our frosting machines are
                                                              designed for optimizing and minimizing consumption
            Satinal, a supplier of glass frosting chemicals   while always maintaining high quality performance.
            and machinery , has delivered and installed a new   Our glass frosting machines are the ideal solution
            generation frosting machine for cosmetics in France.  for all companies looking for efficiency, flexibility,
            High flexibility, high performance and low         durability and security.”
            consumption characterize this new machine, but the   Luca Bresciani, owner of Satinal, said,
            most remarkable innovation is the automatic loading   “I’m proud of our work and I’m glad to know
            and unloading stations. Furthermore the automatic   that this new generation machine will improve
            unloading station is directly linked to the dryer tunnel,   the production system.”

                glass machinery plants & accessories 5/2017
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