Page 34 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 5/2017
P. 34

        Hot-end equipment
                                                                               ment of the horizontal and verti-
                                                                               cal burner angles.
                                                                                 Both angle adjustments have
                                                                               an influence on each other, as
                                                                               they are not separated mechani-
                                                                               cally and the fulcrum of the burn-
                                                                               er is not located at the burner
                                                                               nozzle. Adjustment of one angle
                                                                               influences the other so that the
                                                                               burner axis moves away from the
                                                                               burner block axis. These two axes
                                                                               must then be realigned.
                                                                                 A cast iron sealing plate is
                                                                               mounted in front of the burner
                                                                               block to protect the block. There
                                                                               is a risk that this plate becomes
                                                                               displaced when the burner angle
                                                                               is adjusted.
                                                                                 The ever-increasing restric-
                                                                               tions on furnace emissions
                                                                               require tightly controlled furnace
                                                                               operation. This applies in par-
                                                                               ticular to the burner settings, as
                                                                               these have a strong influence on
                                                                               emissions. Consequently, contin-
                                                                               uous monitoring of the settings
                                                                               is necessary coupled with adjust-
                                                                               ment of the burner angle during
                                                                               changes to operating conditions.

                                                                               BURNER HOLDER
                                                                               WITH INTEGRATED
                                                                               ANGLE ADJUSTMENT
                                                                                 SORG has now developed a
                                                                               new burner holder with inte-
                                                                               grated angle adjustment to sim-
                                                                               plify burner set up. These type
                                                                               WSH and WSA holders are now
                                                                               available. These burner hold-
                                                                               ers eliminate the disadvantages
                                                                               of all previous burner holders
                                                                               described above.
                                                                                 The decisive advantage of this
                                                                               burner holder is the location of
                                                                               the burner fulcrum directly in
                                                                               the nozzle head. This means that
                                                                               the exit point remains station-
                                                                               ary when the burner is adjusted
                                                                               vertically or horizontally, and no
                                                                               realignment is required.
                 VER-INCREASING               system manufacturers and fur-
                 RESTRICTIONS ON              nace suppliers design their own   No tools or measuring
            EFURNACE EMISSIONS                burner holders. The same weak    devices required
               Burner holders are an impor-   points are found in most burner    Moreover, no tools or meas-
            tant component of fossil fuel fur-  holder designs. Tools and a spirit   uring devices are required for
            naces. All burner and heating     level are required for the adjust-  setting or checking the burner

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