Page 35 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 5/2017
P. 35

adjustment. There are manual      set values can be displayed on the   Compatible with SORG burners and
            spindles for adjusting the burn-  SCADA monitor. It is also pos-   those from other manufacturers
            er angles and the set values      sible to use the SCADA system      The new type WSH and WSA
            can be read directly from the     to change the vertical adjustment   burner holders are compatible
            scales marked on the burner       from the control room. For the   with the SORG burners NL4,
            holder. The sealing plate is      first time this enables the opera-  NL5, SDB231 2F and SDB221
            fixed to the burner holder, so     tor to adjust the burner whilst   2F. In principle they are also
            no additional fastening of the    observing the influence on the    suitable for use with other
            plate is necessary and the risk   flame pattern monitored by the    SORG burners or even burners
            of displacement during burn-      furnace camera.                  from different manufacturers.
            er adjustment is eliminated.        The activator moves at 1mm/s,   However, in each case the possi-
            Attachment of the holder to the   which allows fine adjustment of   bility must be checked by SORG
            existing furnace steel structure   the burner angle. In practical   engineers. O
            is straightforward.               terms this means that the actua-
                                              tor adjusts the burner angle by
            TWO DIFFERENT VERSIONS –          0.1° in two seconds. The actuator
            WSH AND WSA                       is suitable for temperatures up
               Two versions of the burner     to 80°C, and additional cooling
            holder are available:             from the furnace cooling air sys-
            1. Type WSH with manual           tem can be added if required.
               adjustment of both angles.       Holder type WSH can be
               This is the basic version. The   upgraded easily to type WSA at
               angles set can be read on the   any time.
               scales.                          For type WSA there is also       SORG (NIKOLAUS)
            2. Type WSA with manual adjust-   the option of installing a local       GmbH & CO.
               ment of the horizontal angle   operating unit at the burners.
                                                                                         Stoltestrasse 23
               (as with the WSH model), but   Burner adjustment can then also      D-97816 Lohr am Main - Germany
               with motorized adjustment of   be monitored directly in situ, in        Tel.: +49-9352-507-0
               the vertical angle by means of   addition to adjustments carried        Fax: +49-9352-507234
               an actuator.                   out from the control room. The            E-mail:
               The actuator provides an out-  set angles are shown locally on a 
            put signal that can be connected   display and also on the SCADA
            to the SCADA system so that the   system.

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