Page 41 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 5/2017
P. 41

global blue chip and major com-  cent and endlessly recyclable in   Container Industry is a pioneer
             panies working for the world’s   a closed loop, it is inert and it   of the circular economy, with
             biggest consumer brands.         preserves the nutritional qualities   EUR 610 million invested per
                                              and original taste of the products   year in upgrading plants and
             GLASS, A SUSTAINABLE             it contains. Glass is the number   improving innovation, energy
             LIFESTYLE CHOICE –               one packaging preferred by con-  efficiency and decarbonisation.
             FOR OUR FUTURE                   sumers.
               Living sustainably is not just                                  COLLECTION – GLASS
             about saving the planet; it is also                               IS 100% RECYCLABLE
             about looking after your health.                                    In the last 15 years, bottle-
             Choosing glass is one way to do                                   to-bottle glass recycling has
             both. Growing consumer prefer-                   Up to €610       increased by 139 per cent
             ence for healthy living, combined   million investment/year       throughout Europe. The estab-
             with concern for the environ-                                     lishment of local recycling infra-
             ment, is driving increased trust in                               structures for glass containers
             glass as a packaging choice, with                                 has contributed to local job crea-
             85 per cent of Europeans willing                                  tion and enabled the collection of
             to recommend glass to friends                                     74 per cent of all postconsumer
             and family.                                                       glass packaging in the EU. Glass
               Glass packaging guaran-        EUROPE – THE CRADLE              containers can be reused many
             tees long-time preservation of   OF GLASS MANUFACTURING           times.
             taste and flavour, safe delivery    In Europe, Venice is the cradle   Glass recycling has increased
             and attractive presentation of a   of glass, with origins dating back   by 139% in the last 15 years.
             vast array of consumer prod-     to the Roman Empire. Today,      The first bottle banks were set
             ucts, supplied to European and   this heritage continues to cross   up in Europe in the 1970s to col-
             global markets. Whether used     generations, with more than 160   lect and recycle glass, and today
             for drinks, food, cosmetics, per-  production sites across Europe.  there are some 1.5 million bottle
             fumes or pharmaceuticals, glass    The industry continuously      banks are available in Europe.
             packaging plays a vital role in   invests in innovation and high   Today in Europe, 74 per cent of
             supporting European trade and    quality glass manufacturing.     glass is collected to be recycled
             commerce. Glass is 100 per       Today, the European Glass        into a bottle closed loop, result-
                                                                               ing in a 40 per cent increase in
                                                                               glass production across Europe.
                                                                               The same European supply chain
                                                                               also maintains 125,000 direct
                                                                               and indirect jobs, also contribut-
                                                                                ing up to EUR 9.5 billion to the
                                                                                  annual EU GDP.
                                                                                     The glass industry expands
                                                                                    production while keeping
                                                                                     environmental impact low,
                                                                                      with energy consumption
                                                                                       reduced by 80 per cent;
                                                                                       CO2 emissions reduced
                                                                                       by 70 per cent, and glass
                                                                                       bottles are 30 per cent
                                                                                       lighter, while maintain-
                                                                                       ing product preserva-
                                                                                       tion, recyclability and
                                                                                      innovative design.
                                                                                        This caring for the EU
                                                                                     economy means that almost
                                                                                   9 out of 10 Europeans choose
                                                                                  glass because they say it is the
                                                                                best packaging to preserve their
                                                                               food and beverages; 3 out of 4

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