Page 43 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 5/2017
P. 43

packaging to help brands stand                                     collectively, we can continue to
            out on the shelves both in the                                     drive innovation and sustainable
            European market and interna-                                       growth in the glass packaging
            tionally,” says FEVE President
            Johan Gorter.                                   Delivering         sector,” said Mr. Gorter. “In
            The strong performance in 2016       safe and sustainable          the last 15 years, the consump-
            DPOmSNT  UIF  TUFBEZ  USFOE  PG                                    tion of products packed in glass
            the last 5 years.  Since 2012,       packaging                     has increased across Europe
            the industry has increased its       solutions…                    despite a challenging economy.
            production by 5.8 per cent in                                      To ensure that we retain our
            volume and 6.1 per cent in units.                                  leadership position I will support
            Glass continues to be the refe-                                    our industry in its efforts to drive
            rence packaging material for
            leading markets such as spi-      manufacturing companies pro-     technology advancement, energy
            rits, wines and beer, while it is   duce some 22 million tons of   efficiency and circular economy
            increasingly gaining share in the   glass containers, or 80 billion   policies which are critical for
            food, water and dairy sectors.    pieces, per year. They provide a   Europe’s future,” he added.
            This is not only due to new con-  wide range of glass packaging      Jean-Pierre Floris, Chairman
            sumption trends for local, orga-  solutions for food and beverages,   and CEO of Verallia Group,
            nic and natural food, but also    flacons for perfumery, cosmet-    was also elected Vice-President.
            because of the positive image of   ics and pharmacy, as well as    Commenting on the new FEVE
            glass packaging and the strong    glass tableware to their European   presidency, Jean-Pierre Floris
            consumer trust in glass as their
            preferred packaging for envi-     and world customers. And today,   said: “I am delighted to sup-
            ronmental, health and taste pre-  glass bottles are 30 per cent    port the new FEVE president.
            servation reasons. According to   lighter than 20 years ago while   The executive team remains as
            a recent survey , glass is con-   still maintaining their product   committed as ever to grow the
            sumers’ favourite packaging,      preservation qualities, recyclabil-  competitiveness of the container
            with 1 in 2 Europeans saying      ity, and innovative design.      glass industry and deliver sus-
            they use more glass than three                                     tainable packaging solutions to
            years ago and 75 per cent of      WHAT DO WE STAND FOR IN          our customers.” O
            Europeans view glass as the       THE FUTURE?
            most environmentally friendly
            packaging.                          The aim of the European
            “It is encouraging that consu-    Container Glass Federation is to
            mers trust glass because of its   continue to drive innovation and
            sustainability credentials and    sustainable growth to remain the
            because it best preserves the     industry reference in the packag-
            quality of their preferred pro-   ing sector in Europe, building an
            ducts. As an industry, we are     economic model that produces
            committed to making the inhe-     no waste, as raw materials are
            rent properties of glass more     continuously used, reused and
            visible to our customers and to
            UIF  mOBM  DPOTVNFSw  DPOUJOVFT   recycled in a closed loop.
            Johan Gorter.
                                              NEW EXECUTIVE TEAM
            (1)  Production of container glass   TO SHAPE THE FUTURE
               for food and beverages in the   OF THE CONTAINER GLASS
               EU, Switzerland and Turkey     INDUSTRY
               based on direct industry         FEVE elected its executive
               production data from FEVE      team for the 2017-2019 term
               member companies compi-        of office at its Annual General     FEVE - EUROPEAN
               led by Vivid Economics for
               FEVE.                          Assembly, with appointments       CONTAINER GLASS
            (2)  InSites Research 2016. View   that mark a significant milestone      FEDERATION
               Summary report on the          as it celebrates its 40th anniver-
                                                                                      Avenue Louise 89, Bte 4
               Friends of Glass platform.     sary.                                  B-1050 Bruxelles - Belgium
                                                Johan Gorter, Chief Executive          Tel.: +32-2-5360080
            Glass Container Production for    Officer of Ardagh Glass Europe,           Fax: +32-2-5393752
            Food and Beverages in Europe      was elected as President of the        E-mail:
                                              association: “It is an honour to 
                                              take on this role and I believe that

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