Page 24 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 6/2017
P. 24

        Ampoule production

                                               double tip ampoules

                                        production for Vietnam


                                                                                 Mecanique are

                                                                                 well-known for their

                                                                                 forming and after-

                                                                                 forming equipment

                                                                                 for ampoules

                                                                                 and in this article

                                                                                 the companies

                                                                                 demonstrate how

                    CMI/Moderne Mecanique     glass of Hydrolytic Class II and
                    confirms once again its    filled with drinkable solutions     they can take a
            Ogreat flexibility by pro-         that are not subject to restrictions
            viding forming and after-forming   linked with alkalinity, and do not   step further and
            equipment for the production of   need to be packed into fully neu-
            special types of ampoules, outside   tral borosilicate glass.        provide this type
            of ISO DIN standards. This is the   OCMI has already supplied
            case of special machines used to   several lines to produce this type   of equipment for
            manufacture double tip ampoules,   of container in Vietnam, where
            products that are still relevantly   the main manufacturer of double   special types of
            produced and sold in France and   tip ampoules recently decided to
            former French colonies such as    improve its production capac-      ampoules. The
            Northern African countries and    ity. In this case, the forming
            Vietnam. In the past, these coun-  machine has the same structure    most recent supply
            tries had an important tradition   as an MM30 standard forming
            of filling machines working with   machine, with the possibility to   of this machinery
            vacuum system, perfectly suitable   produce ampoules from 1ml to
            for double tip ampoules. This is the   20ml, but a special section must   was for Vietnam
            reason why this type of ampoule is   be installed to manufacture this
            particularly popular there.       special product.                   for double tip
                                                Camera inspection system can
            DOUBLE TIP AMPOULES               be installed under customer’s      ampoules.
               Double tip ampoules are usu-   request even if in Vietnamese fac-
            ally manufactured with amber      tories such controls are still not

                glass machinery plants & accessories 6/2017
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