Page 53 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 6/2017
P. 53

ents to test. We can discuss with   internet and we can even carry   Let’s speak about being user
            them – even directly during social   out remote operations regarding   friendly – what can you tell me
            time. When going somewhere in     our homes – burglar alarms, heat-  about the operators who use these
            our region, it’s almost sure that   ing and even washing machines   big machines? Do they need any
            we will see someone that is also   – can all be operated from our   specific qualifications?
            from the glass industry.          smartphones.                       First and foremost, we work
                                                And now people want to         with glassmakers that know what
            When and why do you decide to     have these possibilities for their   they are doing. Our machines are
            develop or update a product?      machinery in the glass plants too.   used by people who are experts
               We don’t decide that – we do   Obviously not at the same level.   in this ‘art’, so they know the
            it every day! There is no need    Consider for example a plant     temperatures that they need to
            to make a decision here, as we    with 200 or 300 machines – you   set and the speed at which the
            must do it daily or we could not   cannot work from your phone or   machine can operate.
            continue to work. Personally, I   tablet at that level. But interface   OK, so machines now can also
            started working in the glass indus-  is what is important, to have   be automatically operated, but it’s
            try 20 years ago as an engineer.   the most important information   not really the way to do things in
            People taught me how to do my     available when we need it.       this industry. Operators of these
            job and the things that I had to do   And this is the way the world   machines need to have the expe-
            and I thought that it was the way   is and works now – being glob-  rience and know-how– features
            to work. This was how I and we    ally connected 24/7, and get-    that a robot still is not able to do
            worked for about five years and    ting immediate information and   right now. O
            then things began to change very   answers.
            quickly – at a speed that is almost   So this means that today’s
            impossible to keep up with.       machines do not only need to
               Now we have to continuously    work well and be reliable,
            change and improve machines,      but they also need to be
            making this one better than the   easy to work with and this
            last one, and the next one better   is a major challenge for
            than this one. This is because peo-  machinery manufactur-
            ple and glassmakers are not only   ers to keep up with these
            requesting quality, but they are also   needs and demands.
            asking for information and also for
            interfacing with the machines. And
            this means that our machines must
            be user-friendly too.
               And from now on things will
            continue to move along this way.
            We are all connected with the


                                                                                      Rua Central 22, Garcia
                                                                                     2430-017 Marinha Grande
                                                                                    Tel: +351 – 244 – 555060
                                                                                    Fax: +351 – 244 – 552410

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