Page 51 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 6/2017
P. 51



            During the recent                                                 continuous                         Tempering technology

            edition of Glassman in
                                                                 improvement in
            Lyon, we spoke to Joao

            Curado, Technical                  quality; man-machine

            Sales Director at
            Vidromecanica, who

            gave us an update

            on the company and

            its markets, as well as
                                                  et’s start with markets;     the companies involved in this
                                                  which are your main          type of decoration and annealing
            the way the company               L markets and how does           are now working in more special-
                                              France fit in?                    ized sectors.
            is developing and
                                                France is and has always been    But France, as I said, remains
                                              a very important market for us.   an important market for us.
            specializing its                  We have several types of sector

                                              in the glass industry where we   Which other (European) markets
            products – on a                   work. Tempering for example      are important for you?
                                              has now become very important      Of    course,  the   Iberian
            daily basis.                      compared to a few years ago.     Peninsula is where we come from
                                              Annealing and decoration were    so it’s a very important market
                                              very important for us here in    for us, as we started there – in
                                              France, especially with regards   Portugal – in 1984. We work
                                              to the cosmetics sector. Now, for   mainly with southern Europe,
                                              example, there is not so much    and then we work with South
                                              demand as there was before. The   America, a big market for us, and
                                              reason behind this could be that   parts of Asia.

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