Page 49 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 6/2017
P. 49

offer machinery that allowed its   and the service to the client are   clients functionalities that do not
            clients to manufacture pharma-    still, as it was 25 years ago, our   exist right now.
            ceutical ampoules.                main concerns.                     In an effort to offer new ser-
               If the entry in the market of    Today, KYP produces more       vices, KYP is updating its ERP,
            the sets was a success, we can    than 65 per cent of the parts    which includes the commercial,
            say that the entry in the market of   used, limiting the acquisition of   production and financial areas.
            the complete lines was a real hit,   parts from known suppliers and   Our new WEB: KYP is finaliz-
            since their reception in the mar-  from first trademarks of those   ing its new format, more modern,
            ket exceeded the most optimistic   products that are considered    more functional, and with new
            expectations.                     standard, such as motors, screws,   features to its clients, having a
                                              bearings, belts, or too specific to   restricted and personalized area
            1996                              have own production. Due to this   for the client, so we can estab-
               In order to undertake this new   concept of production, we can   lish a better communication and
            stage, two new partners joined    guarantee that our products are   documents exchange.
            KYP, one taking care of pur-      downed with the highest quality    In the near future, KYP will
            chases, and the other involved in   standards.                     offer all its clients a search and
            the design and assembling of the                                   consultation system of plans and
            new machinery.                    THE FUTURE                       structure of its products, which
               From that moment, KYP            KYP is in an expansion pro-    will facilitate placing orders for
            became the supplier of the most   cess, due to the demand of the   spares. O
            important clients and groups in   market, that will result in a new
            the pharmaceutical ampoules       future and new services to clients.
            sector.                             Wishing to understand our
                                              clients more and more, KYP is         ®
            1997                              planning a change and expansion
               New premises in the industrial   of premises, where we will have
            area “Las Monjas in Torrejon de   some modern facilities, capable
            Ardoz”                            to bear the continuous growth of
                                              the company.
            2001                                As always, at KYP, technol-      KYP ACCESORIES
               New larger premises –owned     ogy is one of the main pillars, so
            directly by the company – in      we recently hired new engineers,       C/ Madrid 22, Naves 11-12
            “Torres de la Alameda”            who, together with those already    28813 Torres de la Alameda, Madrid
                                              in the company, are studying                   Spain
            2003                              new innovations, based on new            Tel.: +34-91-8863090
                                                                                       Fax: +34-91-8868371
               Purchase of machinery for      technologies that will offer our      E-mail:
            own manufacturing.                                            

               Constitution of a new manu-
            facturing company for raw mate-
            rials and spare parts.

            THE PRESENT
               Currently, KYP is considered
            one of the most important com-
            panies in the sector of the phar-
            maceutical ampoules manufac-
            turing machinery, thus becoming
            a leader in the sector.
               KYP currently sells in 48
            countries on five continents, and
            is living constant expansion, at
            territorial level as well as at mar-
            ket share level.
               The technology, the sturdiness

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