Page 28 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 1/2018
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                   GLASS SERVICE
                   start-up of new

                   furnace for pharma

                   glass at pJsc poltava

                                            furnace  and working end
                                            in 2014, Glass Service
                                            srl has announced that
                                            it has now successfully
                                            completed the start-up   also includes burners, 14   control system, ventilators
                   After having designed    of a second 18 sq.m.     booster fusion electrodes   and furnace cooling
                   and installed a 20 sq.m.   oxy-fuel furnace for the   and transformers (one   pipes, two screw batch
                   recuperative furnace at   production of borosilicate   medium transformer   chargers, glass level
                   PJSC Poltava in 2008     pharma tube glass with   and three mono-phase     control, complete oxy-fuel
                   for the production of    Danner technology.       transformers), bubbler,   combustion plant for the
                   borosilicate glass, along   The design and supply   control panels for the   furnace and working end
                   with a second oxy-fuel   of this second furnace   furnace with SCADA       for two channels.

                                                                                  VERALLIA    moderate growth in
                                    3  quarter 2017 results                                   revenue at constant foreign
                                                                                              exchange rates as well as
                                                                                              a further improvement
                   In line with the previous   driven by prices in a highly   of activity in volumes as   of EBITDA. Capital
                   quarters, Verallia       inflationary environment.   well as the pass-through of   expenditures for the year
                   achieved a robust financial   Volumes resisted well in a   inflation into sales prices.  2017 are expected to be in
                   performance in Q3.       challenging context.     Verallia generated a     the same range as in 2016.
                   Revenue increased by 5.7%   EBITDA was up 8.4%    strong operating cash-   2017 annual results will be
                   at constant exchange rates,   at constant exchange   flow in the quarter, at   released 1 March 2018.
                   driven by higher volumes,   rates, supported      EUR 104.1 million, up    An independent group,
                   a better mix and prices in   by manufacturing     EUR 72.4 million year-   Verallia is the third largest
                   South America.           performance improvement   on-year. An improved    global manufacturer
                   In Europe, the 4.6%      and higher volumes.      operational performance,   of glass containers for
                   increase at constant     In Europe, the strong    a good management of the   food and beverages, and
                   exchange rates was       7.4% increase in EBITDA   working capital and the   proposes innovative,
                   supported by higher      at constant exchange     positive impact of factoring   customized and
                   volumes in most countries   rates was driven by   contributed to this increase.  environmentally-friendly
                   as well as a better mix, in   higher volumes and an   In the quarter, Verallia has   solutions. Verallia produced
                   line with previous quarters   improved manufacturing   continued to deleverage,   around 16 billion glass
                   trend.                   performance, which partly   with a net debt representing   bottles and jars in 2016.
                   In South America, revenue   offset the negative costs   3.7x its LTM Adjusted   Verallia’s business model
                   was negatively impacted by   evolution. Sales prices were   EBITDA of EUR 501.2   is based on combining
                   exchange rates evolution,   stable.               million at 30 September.  the strength of its global
                   mainly the weakening     In South America,        After early repayment of   network (manufacturing
                   of the Argentinean Peso   EBITDA was negatively   EUR 100 million of its   operations in 13 countries,
                   against Euro. At constant   impacted by exchange   Term Loan B Facility on   sales locations in 46
                   exchange rates, revenue   rates evolution, attributable   30 November, Verallia still   countries with 5 technical
                   grew by 13.4%, mainly    to the depreciation of the   has a good level of liquidity   centres and 13 product
                                            Argentinean Peso against   available, with cash on   development centres) and
                                            Euro. At constant exchange   hand as well as an undrawn   local customer relationships
                                            rates, the robust 12.8%   RCF of EUR 250 million.  in all regions. In 2016,
                                            EBITDA increase was      For the rest of the year,   Verallia achieved net sales
                                            attributable to a good level   Verallia anticipates a   of EUR 2.4bn.

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