Page 55 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 1/2018
P. 55

metic quality of Schott  TopLine    closing of the ampoules due    From
                   vials.                              to an excellent 100 per cent   Standardized
                      Greater flexibility and effi-    controlled dimensional quality  to cuStomized
                   ciency: As Schott combines the    -  Avoidance of rejects after fill   quality optionS
                   adaptiQ® nest with an industry      + finish as a result of excellent   A broad range of
                   standard tub, you will be able to   camera inspected cosmetic      container geometries,
                   fill multiple containers efficiently   quality                     quality levels and con-
                   on the same machine.              -  Technical support for ampoule   trolled surface chem-
                      Simplified   lyophilization:     processing e.g. burner setting   istry  enable  Schott  to
                   Quick and easy loading and          upon request                   tailor the primary pack-
                   unloading of nests into the freeze   -  Outstanding  stability  during   aging solution to spe-
                   dryer without the need of addi-     shelf life                     cific needs. All Schott
                   tional loading tools.             -  Different to other container   Ampoules are manufac-
                      Standard packaging: The          formats, ampoules consist of   tured and packed in envi-
                   adaptiQ  nest is positioned in      glass only and therefore pro-  ronmentally   controlled
                   a tub. The tub is covered with a    vide an excellent E&L profile,   areas certified by ISO 9001
                   Tyvek  inlay, placed in the tub     superior barrier properties    and ISO 15378 and comply
                   followed by a Tyvek  seal. After    and are 100 per cent tamper-   with PH.Eur., USP and JP
                   being packed in header bags, the    proof                          international standards.
                   tubs are sterilized.              -  Reduced    alkalinity   for
                                                       enhanced drug stability upon   StandardLine – designed to deliver
                   Schott Ampoules - Superior Fill +   request                        reliable performance
                   Finish Performance                  Easy handling at point of use:   The StandardLine includes:
                      With the ever increasing focus   -  Several color rings can be   -  Production in cGMP environ-
                   on therapy costs in the healthcare   placed on the stem or body for   ment
                   sector, fast and easy processing    identification purposes        -  Statistical in-process control
                   of primary packaging containers   -  Different break systems avail-  -  Regulation system  for  ISO
                   is regarded as one of the key con-  able  such  as  One  Point  Cut   specific stem diameter
                   tributors for a total cost of owner-  (OPC), Scoring (SCO), Color   -  100 per cent inspection of key
                   ship optimization. The outstand-    Break Ring (CBR), or Double      dimensional characteristics
                   ing dimensional quality of Schott   Ring Break (DRB) for the       -  100 per cent camera inspec-
                   Ampoules enables superior fill +    double tip ampoules              tion  of  break  systems  (OPC,
                   finish performance.               -  Convenient ampoules opening     CBR, SCO)
                      Excellent fill + finish:         due to narrow break force tol-  -  Quality level according to ISO
                   -  Fast and reliable filling and    erances                          for Type B, C and D

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