Page 57 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 1/2018
P. 57

Container glass manufaCture

                         High performance,              Heye

                    high flexibility and high

                     safety are today’s key             Swabbing Robot

                  words in every container

                       glass facility with low          proves successful

                            cost on the other           at Orora’s

                       side. Any rejection or

                      section stop weakens              Australian glass

                            the business and            manufacturing plant

                        demands reduction

                             of performance

                     expectations. Heye as                                                                              Container glass manufacture

                  supplier to the container

                     glass industry is always

                         keen on supporting

                            and improving its

                      customer’s operation

                    with latest state-of-the-

                   art innovations. Industry

                        leading packaging

                         solutions company

                             and glass bottle

                      manufacturer, Orora,

                       has now successfully                   s every stage of the glass forming process demands meticu-
                                                              lous attention to detail, Heye has analysed the complete
                       proven its innovative            Aproduction chain. Even minor variations in manufacturing
                                                        techniques and their application can have a huge impact on overall
                   spirit with the installation         production performance. The Swabbing Robot is the latest in a
                                                        series of equipment developments from Heye International and
                        of Heye’s Swabbing              Socabelec, aimed at optimising the glass container production
                                                        process – increasing work safety, providing higher product quality
                                          Robot.        and improving productivity.

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