Page 59 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 1/2018
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high efficiency
                      A    new    state-of-the-art                   Heye international
                   Swabbing Robot has been             Based at Obernkirchen, Germany, Heye International GmbH is one of the
                   installed  at Orora’s glass  man-   international glass container industry’s foremost suppliers of production
                   ufacturing facility  at  Gawler,    technology, high performance equipment and production knowhow. Its
                   South Australia. The DG             mechanical  engineering  has  set  industry  standards  for  more  than  five
                   Tandem IS-Machine mainly pro-       decades.  Extensive  industry  expertise,  combined  with  the  positive  atti-
                   duces 0.75l wine bottles in blow-   tude and enthusiasm of Heye International employees is mirrored by the
                   and-blow  operation.  The  close    company motto ‘We are Glass People’. Its three sub-brands HiPERFORM,
                   working relationship between the    HiSHIELD and HiTRUST form the Heye International equipment portfolio,
                   Orora team and the Heye and         addressing the glass industry’s hot end, cold end and service require-
                                                       ments respectively.
                   Socabelec experts led to a smooth
                   commissioning of the automated
                   swabbing, which is unique on the
                   Australian continent.             spraying head and lubricating    ororA’S glASS
                      “We are very satisfied with the   oil. Consequently, less tooling is   mAnufActuring fAcility
                                                     required.                          Orora’s glass manufacturing
                                                                                      facility is one of top 10 larg-
                       orora limited                 SpeciAl conditionS               est glass plants in the world for
                                                     on-Site                          tonnes produced from a single
                     Orora Limited produces an         As safety is the highest prior-  site. The facility produces more
                     extensive  range  of  tailored   ity at Orora, the IS-Machine is   than 1 billion high quality glass
                     packaging  and  visual  com-
                     munications solutions. The      equipped with a Safety Barrier   bottles per year, servicing the
                     business  generates  AUD  4     Grid to protect the  operator    needs of the Australian wine and
                     billion in sales annually and   working on the blank side. The   beer industries. The facility has
                     employs more than 6,700 peo-    Heye and Orora engineering       three glass furnaces and is able to
                     ple  across  131  sites  in  seven   teams mastered the challenge by   produce bottles in seven colours.
                     countries.  Orora  is  headquar-  developing special software to   The 62-hectare site also features
                     tered in Melbourne, Australia   integrate the Safety Barrier and   extensive warehousing. In addi-
                     and is listed on the Australian   Swabbing Robot systems.        tion to producing glass bottles,
                     Securities Exchange.
                                                       “The data and experience we    Orora has  introduced a  highly
                                                     have gathered to date is very    innovative decorative glass bottle
                                                     promising. Using the automated   sleeving  application.  The  sleev-
                                                     swabbing technology allows us to   ing application meets a growing
                                                     improve safety and optimise pro-  customer demand to attractively
                                                     cess stability on an ongoing basis.   package and label wine products,
                   performance of the new swab-      Our operator’s time is redirected   which increases on-shelf visibil-
                   bing robot at our Gawler glass    from manual  swabbing to focus   ity and supports marketing and
                   facility,” said Andrew Barreau,   on process quality,” Andrew said.   branding promotions. �
                   Technology     and    Business      “We are delighted to be tak-
                   Development Manager, at Orora     ing a lead role in the automated
                   Glass.                            mould and neckring swabbing
                      “The initial operation has     operation,” Andrew added.
                   exceeded our expectations. We       The installation of the swab-
                   are now in the process of gain-   bing robot follows Orora’s recent
                   ing an understanding of this new   USD 42 million expansion invest-
                   innovation and further building   ment to increase glass bottle pro-
                   our experience. Over the next     duction at the company’s glass
                   few months we will collect and    manufacturing facility at Gawler.   Heye InternatIonal
                   analyse data  to see if there  are   The investment has expanded             GmbH
                   more opportunities to optimise    the glass bottle forming lines at
                   the swabbing robot operation,”    the plant, increasing capacity by   Lohplatz 1, 31683 Obernkirchen - Germany
                                                                                             Tel.: +49 - 5724 - 260
                   Andrew said.                      60 million bottles per year. The       Fax: +49 - 5724 - 26539
                      Of  note,  the  robot  not  only   expansion at Gawler represents   E-mail:
                   swabs the blank mould, but also   one  of  Orora’s largest  capital
                   the neckring area with the same   investments in Australia.

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