Page 62 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 1/2018
P. 62

HigH-end packaging

               High-end packaging
                   decoration for a wide range of
                   bottle shapes and sizes.

                   the Stölzle GlaSS GrouP
                      The Stölzle Glass Group’s aim
                   is to be the first choice partner
                   for customers and employees,
                   developing customized designs in
                   more than 80 per cent of prod-
                   ucts. Every item bears a unique
                   message which is reflected by the
                   product’s design. According to
                   customers  specifications,  a  con-
                   cept is assessed, the design inter-
                   preted, and production made a
                   reality, with technical solutions
                   found for even the most idealistic
                   and demanding of designs.
                      Time is money – Product
                   development has to be completed
                   to the agreed time frame and
                   in the shortest time possible to
                   give the speed to market which
                   is so important in an age when
                   design and fashion trends change
                   so quickly. Stölzle gives  prima-
                   ry importance to achieving the
                   required quality to ensure cus-
                   tomer satisfaction and product

                   exPert in hiGh-enD
                   PackaGinG GlaSS
                   - More than 200 years of experi-
                     ence in the production of glass
                   - six production sites in Austria,
                     Great Britain, France, Czech
                     Republic and Poland
                   - three decoration sites in Great
                     Britain, France and Poland
                   - 2,450 employees worldwide
                   - three billion glass containers
                     produced per year
                   - Europe’s only manufactur-

                   designs, uncompromising
                       quality, flexible and
                  excellent service, short time
                            to market.

                 60    glass machinery plants & accessories 1/2018

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