Page 73 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 1/2018
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selecTion for                     straw and laces has been
                   commercial release                replaced with external
                      With  this  design  competition,   engraving.
                   Verallia provides an unprec-
                   edented  approach  to  innovation   The granD finale
                   for its customers who are closely   “With the Verallia Design
                   involved in the selection of the   Awards, we are encourag-
                   winners. Some designs have even   ing a privileged exchange
                   been selected for commercial      with young designers around
                   release. Such was the case of the   glass. We are also providing
                   Soirée à Rosé bottle (designed by   our customers with an unprec-
                   the winner of the first competi-  edented innovation approach,
                   tion in 2010), marketed and sold   as reflected in the various sales
                   by Gérard Betrand, and the Serac   success stories since the com-
                   bottle (winner in 2016), selected   petition  was  introduced,”  said
                   by Maison du sud – Jeanjean.      Michel Giannuzzi, Chairman and
                   These two products have enjoyed   Chief Executive Officer of the
                   significant success in France and   Verallia Group at the ceremony.
                   internationally. The Serac bottle   “With this grand finale, a first
                   has also just won two packag-     in the competition’s history, we
                   ing Oscars in the Consumption:    wanted to thank all participants
                   design and graphic identity, and   for having placed their creativ-
                   Glass transformation categories.  ity at our customers’ service as   an unpreceDenTeD
                      As the number of young         they are constantly on the look-  anD Value-creaTing
                   designers presenting a project    out for differentiation on their   approach To innoVaTion
                   has increased each year and as    highly internationalized mar-    A springboard for young designers
                   customers are increasingly keen   kets. It is these same customers   Since the creation of the
                   to explore new ideas, Verallia    who encouraged us to reach out   Verallia Design Awards in
                   decided to open up its compe-     beyond the national level. It is   France in 2009, Verallia has
                   tition at an international level    obvious that a project conceived   opened up this design competi-
                   and prepare this first grand      by students in Italy for prosecco   tion to several other countries.
                   finale. The competitors are all   might equally attract a French   The Verallia Design Awards
                   winners of the various national   or German producer of spar-      attract hundreds of participants
                   competitions.                      kling wines,” added Emmanuel    from the best design and pack-
                                                      Auberger,  CEO  of  Verallia    aging schools. Students and
                   The iTalian ‘De fiasco’            France.                         young graduates are invited to
                      Italy’s project De Fiasco was      Packaging is a major com-    submit innovative projects for
                   singled out by the jury meet-       ponent of the agri-food bev-   bottles and jars, paving the way
                   ing  in  Paris  whose  members      erage  industries’  marketing   to future market release.
                   include seven finalists, cus-       and environmental strategies.    The competition teaches the
                   tomers, professional designers,     Verallia works with its cus-   participants how to use glass
                   journalists and representa-          tomers  throughout  the pro-  through a practical case study
                   tives of Verallia’s sales and         cess  leading  to  the  creation   involving the development of a
                   marketing teams. Drawing              of glass packaging to arrive   product under semi-professional
                   its inspiration from a typi-           at a design that enhanc-    conditions. The candidates learn
                   cally Italian flask-shaped              es their products to best   about the material in the field
                   bottle, De Fiasco is a                   effect. Convinced that    when they visit plants where they
                   new interpretation of an                  glass is the ideal mate-  can watch the manufacturing
                   old bottle, which at the                   rial to promote cus-    process and learn about the role
                   time combined various                       tomers’ products and   played by the Verallia product
                   materials (straw, laces                     to protect consumers   development centres.
                   and glass), to provide                      and the environment,     Each national competition is
                   a 100 per cent glass                        Verallia is commit-    sponsored by an experienced and
                   modern version.                             ted to encouraging     renowned designer who shares
                      The  original  bot-                      tomorrow’s designers   his or her experience and advice
                   tle finishing using                         to use this material.  with the participants. Verallia also

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