Page 75 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 1/2018
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filling  lines,  maximizing  pallet   bottle with an innovative      customers and design agencies
                   loading, etc. These centres also   appearance while protecting       to inspire their future develop-
                   produce the drawings for the      its authenticity.                    ments. This book analyzes
                   moulds used to manufacture the      In Spain, the Azuqueca              the upcoming international
                   container.                        development centre devel-             trends for the coming year
                                                     oped the new bottle for               and highlights the new con-
                   Examples                          Marie Brizard liqueurs.               sumer habits and haunts.
                      In France the Albi development   Commissioned to celebrate           Along with these trends, the
                   centre produced the drawings for   the brand’s 260th anniver-           brand  suggests  new  bot-
                   the beer bottle STARCK beer,       sary, its Art Deco inspired          tle  shapes  and  decoration
                   which was created by French        design produces a shim-              ready to be developed. This
                   designer Philippe Starck for       mering effect for the col-           is how the Stockholm and
                   the Brasserie d’Olt brewery.       ours of the liqueurs in the          Los Angeles spirits models
                      The    Chalon-sur-Saône         range.                              and the Roma wine bottle
                   development centre also made         In order to bring these       were added to the Selective Line
                   it possible to manufacture           glassmaking projects to frui-  Collection.
                   the Primer Rosé Marquès               tion, the Verallia product
                   de Murrieta Spanish bot-               development centres pro-    The Verallia
                   tle designed by José María             vide  the  Group’s  custom-  Design awarDs
                   Morera.  This  bottle  is  a           ers with extremely efficient   In all the countries where
                   nod to the Art Deco move-              tools:   computer-aided     Verallia holds this design com-
                   ment  with  extraordinary              design (CAD), 3D printer,   petition, its customers are closely
                   work on its facets and                 physical-realistic comput-  involved in this unprecedented
                   the monograms originally               er-generated images and     open-innovation approach.
                   engraved on the finish,                finite  element  mechanical   •  In  Germany,  the  competition
                   shoulder and punt.                     resistance analysis. Verallia   is an actual consultation in
                      The  Mumm  cham-                    also  enables  its  customers   response to a need expressed
                   pagne house entrusted                  to participate interactive-   by a customer.
                   Verallia with the manu-                ly, directly or remotely, in   • In France, over the past three
                   facture of its new bot-                the development of their      years,  the  Verallia  Design
                        tle designed by Ross              model (3D display, com-       Awards have added a category
                        Lovegrove. Unprecedented     puter-generated images, scale      devoted to a specific market:
                        with its hollow base pass-   models, etc.), while ensuring the   -  Rosé Bordeaux in 2015
                         ing  through  the body of   product’s  optimum  weight  and      (partnership   with    the
                         the bottle, it was developed   mechanical strength.              Syndicat des Bordeaux et
                         by the Chalon-sur-Saône       In response to its customers’      Bordeaux Supérieur);
                         development centre, in      need for differentiation, Verallia   - Provence rosés in 2016
                         liaison with the Verallia   also engages designers directly.     (partnership   with    the
                         Oiry  plant  near  Epernay   In 2015, its prestige Selective     Syndicat des Vins Côtes de
                         (France), where the bottle   Line  brand    commissioned         Provence);
                          is now manufactured in     Chantal Thomass to design a        - Decoration for the cham-
                            375 ml and 15 l ver-     bottle and a carafe. This French     pagne market in 2017.
                             sions.                  fashion designer participated in   Each of the juries for the
                               EIn Germany, the      each stage in the development    Verallia Design Awards is made
                              Paulaner   brewery     of the bottles: (i) preliminary   up of customers. Those who are
                              co-developed with      drawings,  (ii)  adjustments  with   not members of the panel are
                              the Bad Wurzach        the product development centre,   invited to the award ceremony
                              development cen-       and (iii) glass tests in the plant.   and receive a document present-
                               tre the bottle for its   Today, this “couture” range   ing the best of the students’ pro-
                               Paulaner   Zwickl     already has more than 40 refer-  jects. In prime place for the com-
                               beer, which has just   ences on the market delivering   petition, they can inform their
                               won a 2017 Red        truly differentiating packaging.  own discussion in terms of pack-
                               Dot Award. The          Verallia also helps its custom-  aging and even select a project to
                              400-ml size and the    ers monitor design trends. Each   use to sell their product, as was
                              screen-printed logo    year, its Selective Line premium   the case for Gérard Bertrand and
                              provide this new       brand presents a style book to its   Maison Du Sud – Jeanjean.

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