Page 22 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 2/2018
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             Verallia’s planned      its facilities. These    of one production line will   packaging for food and
             investments in 2018     improvements are designed   be increased.         beverages, and proposes
             include chronologically:   to increase flexibility and   The Group will also invest   innovative, customized and
             Zaragoza, where the     capacity, and modernize   EUR 30 million at the   environmentally friendly
             facilities will be updated   both the furnace and the   Burgos plant to provide   solutions. Verallia produced
             in the early months of   production lines.       it with a latest-generation   around 16 billion glass
             the year; Azuqueca de   At Azuqueca de Henares,   furnace and new         bottles and jars in 2016.
             Henares, with a new     where the plant was totally   machinery, so Verallia can   Verallia has manufacturing
             production line be added   upgraded in 2017, the   keep up with the Spanish   operations in 13 countries,
             to its new facilities; and   Group will invest EUR 5   wine market’s growth. The   sales locations in 46
             Burgos, where the furnace   million to add a new line   new furnace’s production   countries with 5 technical
             will be totally refurbished   in order to regain, by next   will be greater than at   centres and 13 product
             converting it into one of   spring, the plant’s previous   Azuqueca, as the company   development centres,
             the largest in Europe.  production level with one   will have the largest furnace   and local customer
             The Zaragoza plant –    furnace only instead of two   in Europe at its Burgos site.  relationships in all regions.
             where an investment of   furnaces.               Verallia is one of the   In 2016, Verallia achieved
             EUR 20 million is planned   At Sevilla, in the second   world’s top three   net sales of EUR 2.4
             – is currently refurbishing   half of 2018, the capacity   manufacturers of glass   billion.




             At the recently-held Pharma Expo Dhaka trade fair in   in accordance with the ISO standard 15378 has been
             Bangladesh Gerresheimer focussed on pharmaceutical   completed. The final audit will be carried out by the end
             primary packaging made from glass. Gerresheimer   of January, meaning that the plant’s certification will run
                                                              from February.
             owns two plants at its Kosamba site in India: Neutral
                                                              ISO 15378 applies to primary packaging that comes
             Glass and the new Gerresheimer Pharmaceutical
             Packaging Mumbai factory.                        into direct contact with medication. The standard
             Neutral Glass manufactures moulded glass products for   covers all materials commonly used to make primary
             the pharmaceutical industry. The plant will soon receive   packaging such as glass, rubber, aluminium, and plastic.
             a new high-performance furnace for making type I glass.   ISO 15378 gives all contract manufacturers and all
             Gerresheimer’s recently constructed plant manufactures   manufacturers that package such materials themselves
             vials and ampoules using tubular glass. It will shortly be   an opportunity to secure a high GMP standard and gain
             awarded ISO 15378 certification.                  international acceptance at an early stage. Suppliers of
             “Our new plant in Kosamba produces ampoules and   primary packaging for pharmaceutical products benefit
             vials made from borosilicate glass to the same high   from the fact that the standard incorporates all the
             standards as apply in Europe or the Americas. All of our   relevant GMP requirements and facilitates compliance
             production and inspection processes are standardized   with international, European, and national law. Vials
             and certified worldwide. In February, we will receive   are amongst the world’s most popular pharmaceutical
             ISO 15378 certification,” says Saibal Sengupta, Director   packaging solutions and Gerresheimer produces versions
             Sales, who will be on hand at Pharma Expo Dhaka in   in clear and amber glass that can hold between 1 and
             booth 123 to advise customers and other interested   50 ml. The range of tubular glass vials on offer in
             visitors looking for a suitable solution for their drug.  Asia includes clear and amber glass types I and II. All
             The new plant is already certified in accordance with the   manner of different shapes are available, either with or
             following standards: ISO 9001:2015, US DMF Type   without blowback and compliant with either international
             III, and Health Canada (DMF). Phase I for certification   standards or the customer’s own specifications.  <

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