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                                                        ICG   to the structure and properties of bioactive glasses,
                                                              hybrids and composites, for the design of new materials
                         10TH WORKSHOP                        for health applications. Compatibility with human
                                                              body of prostheses and scaffolds, will be discussed.
            FOR NEW RESEARCHERS                               The interactions with drugs and molecules with glass,
                                                              adsorption, delamination problems of glass containers
              IN GLASS SCIENCE AND                            for pharmaceutical products, will also be treated. In the
                                                              sessions where the two threads overlap, all participants
                                  APPLICATION                 will cross two bridges: one between science and
                                                              application, the other between academia and industry.
             The 10th ICG workshop, taking place in Montpellier,   The lecturers will be world experts in their fields. A
             France, 2-6 July 2018, will be composed of two   significant aspect of the workshop will be student-
             interwoven threads. The first thread will overview   centred projects that will help participants to develop
             fundamentals in glass science emphasising structure-  their understanding by applying what they know to
             property relationships, experimental techniques   specific issues.
             and material simulations. Specific properties, their   Pre-registration: Deadline 15/04/2018 by email
             structural dependence and applications will be   to:; registration deadline
             discussed e.g. optical behaviour, transport phenomena,   15/05/2018. Participants will be limited to: 30 (Glass
             nucleation and crystallisation, and strength. The second   Science); and 20 (Glass Applications).
             thread this year will focus on bioglasses and glasses   A more complete programme will appear soon on the
             for pharmaceutical packaging. Attention will be given   ICG web site (

                                                    LIBBEY    a craftsman at the Toledo plant for the 1904 St. Louis
                                                              World’s Fair, said glass curator Diane Wright.
          CELEBRATING 200 YEARS                               “The museum has quite a few works from the days of the
                                                              New England Glass Works that date to the beginning of
             Libbey Inc. has several significant milestones in its   glass production in Cambridge,” Ms. Wright said. “Of
             history, including when the glass manufacturing company   special importance here is the tremendous encyclopedic
             established its roots in Toledo in 1888, and again in 1892,   glass collection, one of the few collections of its kind in this
             when Edward Drummond Libbey changed its name from   country. The impact of the Libbey Glass company on the
             the New England Glass Company to what it is today.  city of Toledo really cannot be understated.”
             But it was two centuries ago, 1818, that the company   Libbey has already started its internal celebration, coined
             first established itself, and it is that benchmark – and the   Toast to 200 Years, Mrs. Burt said, and employees have
             company’s successes since – that will be celebrated this year   been asked to raise a glass in its two US manufacturing
             with both private and public events on 4 and 5 May.  plants here and in Shreveport, La., as well as plants in
             “For us to still be making the same product as when   China, Mexico, the Netherlands, and Portugal.
             we started is pretty profound. This is definitely our big   “One of the things we are asking associates to do, whether
             anniversary,” said Jamie Burt, company spokesman. “This   with customers or suppliers, is to take a picture toasting to
             [event] has more of a global aspect because we do have a   Libbey, and we will be creating a collage” that will be shared
             presence in multiple locations and, also, there are very few   during the May events and also on social media, she said.
             American companies who have reached 200 years.”  Libbey was actually founded as the New England Glass
             Libbey plans to host an invitation-only event the evening of   Company in East Cambridge, Mass., on 18 February
             4 May, which will include a Toledo Symphony Orchestra   1818, by William Libbey. His son, Edward Drummond
             performance, cocktails, and a video about the company,   Libbey, moved the company from the Boston area to
             Mrs. Burt said. There will be a public event at different   Toledo in 1888, building a plant on farmland northeast of
             locations in the city on 5 May, which will include hands-on   the downtown area. It was the beginning of what would
             painting, drawing, and sculpting activities and glassblowing   be Toledo’s legacy as the Glass City. Headquartered
             demonstrations at the Toledo Museum of Art, tours of the   downtown for more than 125 years, the company produces
             Edward D. Libbey House and shopping spree incentives at   glassware, flatware, and dinnerware for restaurants and
             the Libbey Glass Factory Outlet.                 consumers. Significant events in the glass company’s
             In conjunction with the celebration, the art museum in late   history include being the first to develop machine-blown
             April will open an exhibition of Libbey glass featuring both   glass in 1907 and its patent of the first one-piece press and
             contemporary pieces and late 19th and early 20th century   blow stemware process in 1970.
             works from its permanent collection of 650 Libbey pieces,   Libbey has about 6,200 employees worldwide, and it
             including the popular Libbey punch bowl that was cut by   claimed net sales of USD 793.4 million in 2016.

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