Page 80 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 2/2018
P. 80

         Historical products
                                                                               Vidromatone, and Sindoco, have
                                                                               been united together under Seves
                                                                               MAXIMIZING THE POTENTIAL
                                                                               OF GLASS BLOCKS
                                                                                 Thanks to Seves, the humble
                                                                               glass block has become an impor-
                                                                               tant design material for archi-
                                                                               tecture. From the start, Seves
                                                                               glassblock aimed to change tradi-
                                                                               tional production rules and ideas
                                                                               regarding glass blocks, which
                                                                               were previously considered ‘poor’
                                                                               building materials used only in
                                                                               cases of lack of light. Seves intro-
                                                                               duced to the humble glass block
                                                                               highly advanced experience and
                                                                               technology thus enhancing its
                                                                               pureness, brilliance, transpar-
                                                                               ency, and resistance, the single
                                                                               most beneficial components of
                                                                               the product. It then went one
                                                                               step further by adding an exclu-
                                                                               sive characteristic, once reserved
                                                                               only for the most sophisticated
                                                                               glasses: colour. An improved
                                                                               process of production rationali-
                                                                               zation modified and enlarged the
                                                                               entire product line with mod-
                                                                               els and complementary modules
                                                                               to make customized solutions.
                                                                               Finally, the incorporation of new
                                                                               research and development activi-
                                                                               ties made way for new wall instal-
                                                                               lation methods, new special mor-
                                                                               tars for laying and finishing, and
                                                                               the progressive reduction of the
                                                                               ‘gap’ between glass blocks to just
                                                                               2 millimetres.

                                                                               COMPANY HISTORY
                                                                                 The origins of Sediver date
                                                                               back to 1898. The first glass
                                                                               insulators were manufactured in

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