Page 81 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 2/2018
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1929 by a specially incorporated   transmission lines and railway   institute played a leading role
             company, Electro Verre.          systems. Its Brazilian subsidiary,   in developing one of the most
               In 1947, the application of    Electrovidro, was set up during   demanding production process-
             the thermal toughening process   this period.                     es in terms of quality: optical
             to glass insulators resulted in    The establishment of two       glass.
             a product offering exceptional   joint ventures in China took       In 1940, the Institute became
             performance, enabling the com-   place in 1993: Sediver Zigong,   part of Italy’s most important
             pany to achieve international    specialising in the assembly of   state-owned industrial group,
             success.                         glass insulators, and the Safam   IRI, which was involved in the
               Automated production lines     Zigong foundry, manufacturing    manufacturing of optical prod-
             were introduced ten years later,   malleable cast iron components.   ucts for the military on behalf of
             in 1957. This was followed in    In October 2002, Sediver was     the Navy, and took on the name
             1959 by the merger of Electro    taken over by Vetroarredo, a     S.a.i.v.o., specializing in glass
             Verre and Charbonneux, which     company with a young-sound-      tiles (mosaics), ceramic enamel
             led to the creation of Sediver.  ing name, but with an equally    and tableware.
               Having established itself in   long and prestigious history.      In 1990, Fidenza Vetraria, a
             the French insulator market,     Vetroarredo’s origins date back   long-established Italian producer
             the 1960s saw the company        to 1928 when, on the initiative   of glass insulators, lighting glass
             embark on its first internation-  of Prince Pietro Ginori Conti,   and tableware, took the compa-
             al joint ventures. New prod-     the Istituto Sperimentale per    ny private. From the 1920s on,
             ucts were launched during the    lo Studio e l’Applicazione dei   Fidenza Vetraria had also begun
             1970s, including a full range of   Prodotti del Boro e del Silicio   producing a form of glass brick,
             composite insulators for power   was established in Florence. This   better known as ‘glass blocks’ or

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