Page 78 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 2/2018
P. 78

         Historical products

                                         GLASS BLOCKS

                                                   from ‘humble’ and ‘poor’

                                                   building material into

                                                   an artistic expression

                                                   of light and space

                                                                   Glass blocks: will architecture

                                                                   decide to definitely

                                                                   abandon glass blocks?

                                                                   In this article, we take a look

                                                                   at the history of this important

                                                                   and humble material that

                                                                   thanks to Seves has become

                                                                   important for design and for


                  eves Group, a Triton Fund   Seves Group for many years.        ASC Investment comment-
                  III company, recently sold   However, we want to focus in the   ed “We are delighted to have
             S its Glass Block Division       future on our core insulator busi-  acquired Vitrablok and will work
             Vitrablok to private equity firm   ness,” said Peter Baumgartner,   closely with the strong manage-
             ASC Investment to focus on its   CEO Seves Group.                 ment team lead by Petr Kralik
             core insulator business: “We are   “We appreciate the support     on the ongoing rejuvenation and
             delighted to have found a suitable   the Seves Group has given us   innovation of Vitrablok’s product
             home for this business division,   for many years and we are now   portfolio, as well as in support-
             so that it can continue to grow   looking forward to the next level   ing the company’s international
             profitably in accordance with its   of development of Vitrablok    expansion to further underpin
             future standalone requirements   under the new ownership of ASC   Vitrablok’s global leadership in
             and developments. Vitrablok has   Investment,” added Petr Kralik,   the glass blocks market, both in
             been a very valuable part of the   CEO of Vitrablok.              terms of technology and quality.

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