Page 58 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 3-2019
P. 58

         Glass packaging

                     heaton is Brazil’s leader in   +FRVJUJ  :BOCBM  &VSPGBSNB  &.4    air-conditioned rooms, the deco-
                     the Perfume & Cosmetic   União Química, Novafarma,        ration unit is made up of:
             Wand Pharmaceutical              "DIF   0FULFS   $BTB  EF  .BEFJSB    t    TFNJ BVUPNBUFE  MJOFT  BOE
             segments, and is one of the five   1SFEJMFDUB   4BLVSB   (SVQP  1·P       BVUPNBUFE  44  MJOFT   4JML
             largest installations in the world   de Açúcar, Lojas Americanas, etc.  4DSFFO   XPSLJOH XJUI PSHBOJD
             dealing with perfumes, cosmetics                                     BOE  JOPSHBOJD  JOLT  BOE  67
             and pharmaceutical products.     PRODUCTION                          technology, as well as gold and
               Presently, besides Wheaton,      The company currently oper-       silver;
             involved in the production and   ates four continuous furnaces     t    BVUPNBUJD  QBJOUJOH  MJOFT
             decoration of glass packaging and   with a production capacity of    working with inorganic paints;
             glassware, the Wheaton Brasil    1 billion bottles per year, or    t    BVUPNBUFE  QBJOUJOH  MJOFT
             Group consists of the following        UPOT  PG  HMBTT  QFS  EBZ   XJUI   working with organic paints;
             companies:                       state-of-the-art technology for   t   BVUPNBUFE QMBUJOH MJOF  XJUI
               equipment and moulds for       erative combustion and com-       t   BVUPNBUJD BDJE GVTJOH MJOFT
               automatic glass production;    puterized monitoring. There       t    TFNJ BVUPNBUJD  MJOFT  BOE
             t %FDPS   EFDPSBUJPO  VOJU  GPS   are 23 production lines, with      automated pad printing line;
               glass packaging and utensils;  * 4   NBDIJOFT  GPS  UIF  CMPXO   t    BVUPNBUFE  IPU  TUBNQJOH
             t &YUBS  B USBEF DPNQBOZ PG HMBTT   blown and pressed-blown pro-     lines;
               products; and                  cesses, and rotary presses for the   t   BVUPNBUFE MBCFMMJOH MJOFT
             t 'BSNBDBQ   TVQQMZJOH  SVC-     pressed process. It also has clean   t %FDBMJOH BOE "DDFTTPSZ BQQMJ-
               ber and aluminium seals and    rooms, with assured quality, in     cation lines;
               accessories for the pharma-    the lines dedicated to the phar-  t -BTFS BQQMJDBUJPO
               ceutical, veterinary and other   maceutical industry, and air-   t   TFNJ BVUPNBUJD IFBU USBOTGFS
               industries.                    conditioned rooms with positive     lines.
               Apart from the domestic        pressure for the cosmetics line.    8IFBUPO  WBMVFT  FYDFMMFODF  JO
             market, Wheaton also oper-         Wheaton also counts seven      customer service, using state-of-
             ates in the international market,   colour feeders totally dedicated   the-art technology and differenti-
             FYQPSUJOH  UP  PWFS      DPVOUSJFT   to the perfumery and cosmetic   ated design. The production of
             to some of the most prestig-     industries, and a decoration unit,   glass, decoration and manufacture
             ious domestic and multination-   that allows to personalize the jars,   of moulds and equipment in the
             al companies, such as: Avon,     serving the most demanding cli-  JOEVTUSJBM  QBSL  PG  4·P  #FSOBSEP
             Natura, O Boticário, Hinode,     ents. With modern facilities and   do Campo allows the company

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