Page 60 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 3-2019
P. 60

         Glass packaging
             RESPONSIBILITY                     are related to its products, to   GLASS RECYCLING
               Wheaton Brasil Group is com-     the safety and health of its pro-  Wheaton Brasil Group recycles
             mitted to environmental preser-    fessionals, and to the environ-  FBDI  ZFBS  BO  BWFSBHF  PG
             vation, constantly improving its   mental aspects of the business;  tons of post-consumer glass, in
             processes, products and systems   t 5P  TFFL  JODSFBTFE  SFEVDUJPO   JUT GPVS TUBHFT PG NFMUJOH  4IBSET
             by means of increased aware-       in environmental impact and    are an important component in
             ness and adoption of effective     work-related accidents;        the casting of glass, facilitating
             programs. The Group maintains     t 5P  FMJNJOBUF  SJTLT  BOE  QSF-  its fusion and saving energy.
             BO  &OWJSPONFOUBM  .BOBHFNFOU      vent pollution, accidents and   The glass recycled by Wheaton
             4ZTUFN   CBTFE  PO  /PSNB  *40     incidents through the adoption   is received already clean, guar-
              *40 3FHVMBUJPO         UISPVHI    of appropriate practices for:   anteeing the quality of its prod-
             which it identifies, controls,      efficient utilization of natural   ucts, a well-known brand in the
             reduces, and eliminates aspects    resources; reduction of liquid   market.
             and environmental impacts gen-     and gas emissions; reutiliza-
             erated by its activities.          tion, recycling and appropri-  ECO-EFFICIENCY IN
               Through    its   “Integrated     ate disposal of generated resi-  PROCESSES
             1PMJDZ  GPS  UIF  &OWJSPONFOU  BOE   dues; and elimination of unsafe   Wheaton Brasil Group adopt-
             8PSLQMBDF  )FBMUI  BOE  4BGFUZw    working conditions.            ed a strategy to control its pro-
             Wheaton Brasil Group is com-      t 5P NBJOUBJO BOE EFWFMPQ QSP-  cesses, rather than to control its
             mitted:                            jects to heighten awareness of   emissions, creating in this man-
             t 5P  FOTVSF   BT  B  NJOJNVN      environmental concerns and of   ner a cleaner production pro-
               standard, the compliance of      occupational health and safety   cess. Therefore, it invested in the
               the activities of Wheaton Brasil   at all levels of the organization,   modification of its processes and
               Group to applicable legal        including professionals and    equipment, such as:
               standards as well as to other    other persons acting on behalf   t DIBOHF  PG  UIF  BSDIJUFDUVSF  PG
               subscribed requirements which    of Wheaton Brasil Group.          its kilns, thereby making them

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