Page 59 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 3-2019
P. 59


                                                   The history of Wheaton Brasil Group begins in 1888 with the foundation of
             to offer complete and innovative      the company T. C. Wheaton in the city of Millville, the state of New Jersey,
             solutions in glass packaging, with    in the United States.
             less time to respond to the needs     In 1952, 64 years after  its founding and with considerable accumulated
             of its customers and the market.      experience Wheaton is founded in São Paulo and pioneered the market
                                                   JO        PG  UIF  mSTU  CPUUMF  PG  QFOJDJMMJO  NBOVGBDUVSFE  JO  BO  * 4   NBDIJOF
             AUGMENTED REALITY FOR                 with 4 sections and double drop. In the same year, Wheaton started to
             PERFUMERY PACKAGES                    manufacture bottles that, besides the pharmaceutical market, also serve
                                                   the perfumery and cosmetics industry.
               Working with trends and offer-      In the 1970s, the production of jars had a great boost. It has considerably
             ing creative innovation of glass      expanded its facilities, reaching daily capacity of 200 tons/day, using
             packages and décor is Wheaton’s       four-drop machines, extracting glass in opaline, cobalt blue, cognac and
             main goal, offering an exclusive      green.
             and immersive experience with         *O /PWFNCFS       8IFBUPO QSPEVDFT UIF mSTU QSFTTFE HMBTT  NBSLJOH
             its brand.                            the creation of the division of Home Utilities, with articles for the residen-
               Wheaton presented its new           tial market. In the 1980s, with the reconstruction and modernization of its
             techniques in décor and glass         furnaces, the industrial park is expanded to meet the growth of this line
             packaging customization using         and the market of perfumery and cosmetics.
                                                   *O UIF     T  8IFBUPO JOUSPEVDFT UIF mSTU NBDIJOFT XJUI FMFDUSPOJD DPO-
             augmented reality in 2018: tech-      trol, palletized and thermo-shrink packaging, oxy-gas combustion furnace
             nology that unifies the real world     and computerized monitoring and color glass by the color feeder system,
             with the virtual one. This tech-      as well as formalizes the quality programs. At the end of the decade, the
             nology provides, for example, a       administrative unit of São Paulo is transferred to the industrial park of São
             neon silkscreen that explores the     Bernardo do Campo.
             playful and interactive side of a
             glass package once a black light
             shining silkscreen is applied. AR
             enables to see the neon silkscreen
             through vibrating animations and
             neon colour tones exploding on
             the screen portraying the creative
             manifesto trend.
               Another new technique is the
             multicolour silkscreen décor that
             allows artworks with up to four
             colours in one single application.

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