Page 77 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 3-2019
P. 77

“An example of lightweight-    the majority of the 500ml ale beer   recyclability or design.”
             ing can be found in O-I’s        bottles produced at O-I’s Harlow    Despite all the innovation, the
             recently published CSR report    plant.”                          industry seems to understand
             update: Adnams, a brewer based     She also highlights the role   that public affection for glass is
             in Southwold, UK, wanted to      innovation has played across the   rooted in ageless characteristics
             reduce the weight of their bottle,”   industry as a whole: “As an indus-  that respond to some of the core
             Marie Laure Sus
             Marie-Laure Susset adds. “O-I’s   try, in the past decade alone, we   desires of today’s consumers.
             team collaborate
             team collaborated with Adnams    have made significant investments   “Glass is 100 per cent recyclable,
             to produce a lighter weight yet
             to produce a lig                 in upgrading glass plants to be   inert, safe, fits well within the
             still embossed, branded beer bot-
             still embossed, br               more environmentally friendly, as   circular economy model,” Chris
             tle. O-I was able to take 19g off
             tle. O-I was able                well cutting our CO2 emissions   Todd concludes. “Yes, it is heavy
             the brand’s market leading bot-
             the brand’s mar                  by 70 per cent. We have also     and might break if dropped, but
             tle, removing 1
             tle, removing 115 tonnes from    managed to make glass bottles    it is a material that is used to pre-
             the glass waste stream annually.
             the  glass waste                 30 per cent lighter than they    sent a positive, responsible image
             This lighter weigh               were two decades ago, without    by our customers and consum-
             This lighter weight bottle has now
             become the standard weight for
             become the stan                  sacrificing product preservation,   ers.”. O

                                                                                         The Author



                                                                                 Elisabeth Skoda is a writer and translator
                                                                                 who has been has been working in
                                                                                 packaging journalism for over a decade.
                                                                                 As editor of Packaging Europe, she
                                                                                 explores industry trends and new deve-
                                                                                 lopments, with a focus on
                                                                                 sustainability, design, research & deve-
                                                                                 lopment and European cooperations.

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