Page 75 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 3-2019
P. 75

energy efficiency and further     to customisation and personalisa-
             improve sustainability perfor-   tion for glass packaging, enabling
             mance. A good example is our     them to respond to consumer
             award-winning sustainable bat-   demand for ‘made for me’ yet
             tery storage solution, which pro-  environmentally friendly prod-
             vides a reliable source of green   ucts. The O-I : EXPRESSIONS
             energy, and is transforming the   RELIEF service, offering digitally
             way energy is managed at our     printed and coloured embossing
             glass plant in Irvine, Scotland.”  has created a real wow effect
               As reported previously in      and has been qualified as break-
             Packaging Europe, for O-I the    through by many customers.”
             big innovation of 2018 was O-I :
             EXPRESSIONS, a solution pro-     FOCUS ON RESOURCE
             viding game-changing opportu-    EFFICIENCY
             nities.                            Both Sharon Todd and Marie-
               “This is a new, late-stage dif-  Laure Susset underline light-
             ferentiation service that com-   weighting as the way forward.
             bines the integral benefits of glass   “Glass remains extremely well-
             with an agile, marketing-focused   placed to meet brand owners’
             capability,” Marie-Laure Susset   needs and has a bright future.
             explains. “This innovation makes   Lightweighting has delivered sig-
             glass more relevant to more cus-  nificant benefits over many years
             tomers by offering an unprec-    and continues to be a focus,” says
             edentedly easy and quick access   Sharon Todd.

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