Page 74 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 3-2019
P. 74


                                              again,” she reveals. “In western   the furnace into the forehearth
                                              Europe we even expect glass      which is typical in the industry.
                                              growth to modestly outpace total   “Producing in the main furnace
                                              packaging growth in the next few   allowed us to produce this colour
                                              years. Sustainability is one of the   using 80 per cent recycled con-
                                              three market trends (along with   tent,” Chris Todd says, “saving
                                              premiumisation and health/well-  raw materials, energy and reduc-
                                              ness) to which O-I believes glass   ing CO2 emissions.”
                                              can offer an appealing answer.”     Perhaps Ardagh’s most sig-
                                                                               nificant recent innovation is its
                                              INNOVATION                       sculptural embossing technology,
                                                A major development by Allied   which provides exciting opportu-
                                              Glass inspired by the plastics   nities for brand owners to enhance
                                              debate, presented at Luxe Pack   their glass packaging design with
                                              last year, were the Sea Creatures   an unprecedented level of intricate
                                              collection bottles, which combine   detail on multiple levels, giving
                                              glass form and elaborate printing   designs a life-like quality.
                                              to create a sophisticated decora-   However, boosting sustainabil-
                                              tive technique with visual and tac-  ity is another key point, as Sharon
                                              tile effects. Another major innova-  Todd highlights: “In terms of
                                              tion for Allied Glass last year was   process, we continue to drive
                                              the production of charcoal col-
                                                                               growth in our industry-leading
             ?    ?????                       oured glass in the main furnace,   cullet usage and have targeted
                                                                               additional investments to enhance
                    ?????????????. O
                                              rather than adding colour after

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