Page 31 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 4-2019
P. 31

The development of increasingly large
                                                                               performance ware transfer and
             machines with higher production speeds                            an efficient and stable three-axis
                                                                               servo lehr loader. With these co-
             requires careful consideration to be given                        ordinated components, the Heye
                                                                               team was able to successfully ful-
             to other production elements at the hot                           fil the customer’s requirements.

             end of the glass container manufacturing                          INCREASED DAILY
             process. Heye International’s hot end                                Apart from the challenges
                                                                               posed by this case study, howev-
             development activities are aimed not only                         er, Heye recognises the industry-
                                                                               wide demand for increased daily
             at high performance machinery but at the                          tonnages, even with machines of
                                                                               lower section numbers. This in
             introduction of sophisticated concepts,                           turn places additional demands
                                                                               on the performance of the feed-
             as the company strives                                            er, the feeder mechanics and its
             to offer customers                                                   Only recently, a daily output
                                                                               of 140-150 tonnes was consid-
             a comprehensive                                                   ered high but today, 180 tonnes
                                                                               and above are standard. Via the
             overall solution, without                                         introduction of the type 575
                                                                               feeder (capable of 200 tonnes/
             weaknesses.                                                       day performance levels), Heye

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