Page 36 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 4-2019
P. 36
Pharma glass
CMI-OTG, leading process and make operators’ can be applied to OCMI drop-
global supplier of com- jobs easier with the possibility of per- and dental cartridge forming
Oplete lines for the pro- setting the main parameters for machines.
duction of glass tubular contain- tool motion from the integrat-
ers for pharmaceutical and cos- ed touch-screen in the machine OPTIVIAL CAMERA
metic use such as ampoules, vials, cabinet. INSPECTION
droppers and dental cartridges, The main parameters to be set The vial forming machine
hosted an important Open House from the machine cabinet are the introduced during OCMI’s
at its premises in Milan, northern initial and final positions of roll- Open House was equipped with
Italy, in April 2019 to introduce ers and plungers, the entry/exit OPTIVIAL camera inspection for
the latest upgrades applied to its acceleration of the rollers and dimensional control, now with
FLA20/S vial forming machine. plungers and the entry speed of increased number of vial pic-
the same plungers. tures to be taken in order to
THE FLA20/S - 20 STATIONS The vial forming station of improve the precision of the aver-
WITH CONTINUOUS FLA20/S machine includes two age dimensional values.
ROTATION independent stations equipped The back-light box of
The 20 stations vial forming with one roughing roller each OPTIVIAL has been renovat-
machine, with continuous rota- for the initial preparation of the ed with a new covering device
tion according to OCMI’s tradi- vial shoulders. The main forming equipped with two small cooling
tion, and with maximum output operation is then performed by fans to minimize the risk of over-
of around 3000 items per hour the two new servo-controlled sta- heating of the lighting device.
for 2R vials, is now equipped tions equipped with two rollers
with newly developed pre-form- and one plunger. AFTER FORMING FROM
ing and main forming stations, The plungers are internally MODERNE MECANIQUE –
where plunger and roller move- lubricated in order to maintain THE LF520
ment is driven by servo-motors. the best cleaning conditions of The FLA20/S machine was
The main purpose here is to the machine during operations. connected with the after-forming
assure the best precision and The same development with line LF520, traditionally man-
quality of the mouth forming servo-control of tooling stations ufactured by OCMI’s French
glass machinery plants & accessories 4/2019